- var
- x, y, xoff, yoff: Integer;
- surface: TTexture;
- begin
- for y := m_clientRect.Top to m_clientRect.Bottom + MAP_GRID_HEIGHT * 2 do begin
- for x := m_clientRect.Left - 4 to m_clientRect.Right + 4 do begin
- surface := Map.GetTextureAtLayer(x, y, layer, xoff, yoff);
- if surface <> nil then begin
- surface.Draw((x - m_clientRect.Left) * UNITX + xoff - g_MySelf.m_nShiftX,
- (y - m_clientRect.Top) * UNITY + yoff - g_MySelf.m_nShiftY);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TPlayScene.DrawObjLayer;
- var
- x, y, i, j, px, py, xoff, yoff: Integer;
- actor: TActor;
- surface: TTexture;
- ev: TEvent;
- meff: TMagicEff;
- list: TList;
- dropItem: pTDropItem;
- showItem: PTShowItem;
- name: string;
- rect: TRect;
- width, height: Integer;
- begin
- for y := m_clientRect.Top to m_clientRect.Bottom + MAP_GRID_HEIGHT * 2 do begin
- { 渲染建筑 }
- for x := m_clientRect.Left - 4 to m_clientRect.Right + 4 do begin
- surface := Map.GetTextureAtLayer(x, y, ML_OBJ, xoff, yoff);
- if surface <> nil then begin
- surface.Draw((x - m_clientRect.Left) * UNITX + xoff - g_MySelf.m_nShiftX,
- (y - m_clientRect.Top) * UNITY + yoff - g_MySelf.m_nShiftY);
- end;
- end;
- { 渲染事件 }
- g_eventRenderMgr.Render(y);
- // for i := 0 to EventMan.EventList.Count - 1 do begin
- // ev := TEvent(EventMan.EventList<i>);
- // if ev.m_nY = y then begin
- // ev.DrawEvent(m_ObjSurface,
- // (ev.m_nX - m_clientRect.Left) * UNITX,
- // (ev.m_nY - m_clientRect.Top) * UNITX
- // );
- // end;
- // end;
- { 渲染掉落物品 }
- if g_boDrawDropItem then begin
- g_DropedItemList.Lock;
- try
- for i := 0 to g_DropedItemList.Count - 1 do begin
- list := TList(g_DropedItemList<i>);
- if list.Count <= 0 then Break;
- dropItem := pTDropItem(list[0]);
- if (dropItem = nil) or (y <> (dropItem.Y)) then Continue;
- if dropItem.Looks in [1, 2, 3] then
- surface := g_dropitems.Images['掉落_' + RES_BOOKS[dropItem.Looks - 1]]
- else
- if dropItem.Name = g_sGoldName then
- surface := g_dropitems.Images['掉落_金币大.png']
- else
- surface := g_dropitems.Images['掉落_' + dropItem.Name + '.png'];
- if surface = nil then Continue;
- px := (dropItem.X - m_ClientRect.Left) * UNITX - surface.Width div 2 - g_MySelf.m_nShiftX - HALFX;
- py := (dropItem.Y - m_ClientRect.Top) * UNITY - surface.Height div 2 - g_MySelf.m_nShiftY - HALFY;
- surface.Draw(px, py);
- {显示掉落物品名}
- if g_boDropItemFlash then begin
- width := TextWidth(dropItem.Name) + 4;
- height := TextHeight(dropItem.Name) + 2;
- rect.Left := px + (surface.Width - width) div 2;
- rect.Top := py - height - 4;
- rect.Right := rect.Left + width;
- rect.Bottom := rect.Top + height;
- surface.FillRectAlpha(rect, $00004C4C, 125);
- ImageDraw.TextOut(rect.Left + 2, rect.Top + 1, dropItem.Name);
- end;
- end
- finally
- g_DropedItemList.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- { 渲染生物 }
- for i := 0 to m_actorList.Count - 1 do begin
- actor := TActor(m_ActorList.Items<i>);
- if (actor.m_nRy = y) then begin
- if actor = g_AttackLockActor{g_MagicLockActor} then
- begin
- if not g_AttackLockActor.m_boDeath then begin
- DrawSelEffect(actor);
- end else begin
- g_AttackLockActor := nil;
- end;
- end;
- if (not g_boDrawMonsterDead) and actor.m_boDeath then Continue;
- actor.Render(
- (actor.m_nRx - m_ClientRect.Left) * UNITX + actor.m_nShiftX - g_MySelf.m_nShiftX,
- (actor.m_nRy - m_ClientRect.Top) * UNITY + actor.m_nShiftY - g_MySelf.m_nShiftY
- );
- end;
- end;
- { 绘制生物特效 }
- for i := 0 to m_ActorList.Count - 1 do begin
- Actor := m_ActorList<i>;
- Actor.DrawEff(m_ObjSurface,
- (Actor.m_nRx - m_ClientRect.Left) * UNITX,
- (Actor.m_nRy - m_ClientRect.Top - 1) * UNITY);
- end;
- end;
- { 绘制武功特效 }
- for i := 0 to m_EffectList.Count - 1 do begin
- meff := TMagicEff(m_EffectList<i>);
- meff.DrawEff(m_ObjSurface);
- end;
- { 渲染飞行特效 }
- for i := 0 to m_FlyList.Count - 1 do begin
- meff := TMagicEff(m_FlyList.Items<i>);
- if j = (meff.ry - Map.BlockTop) then begin
- meff.DrawEff(m_ObjSurface);
- end;
- end;
- // if g_NewStatus = sConfusion then begin
- // msgstr := Format('You are confused, will return to normal in %d seconds. ', [g_NewStatusDelayTime]);
- // with m_ObjSurface do begin
- // FontSize := MainForm.Canvas.Font.Size;
- // MainForm.Canvas.Font.Size := 18;
- // m_ObjSurface.BoldTextOut((SCREENWIDTH - m_ObjSurface.TextWidth(msgstr)) div 2, (SCREENHEIGHT - 600) + 200, msgstr,
- // clRed, clWhite);
- // MainForm.Canvas.Font.Size := FontSize;
- // end;
- // end;
- end;
- function TPlayScene.calcShowActorNameY(actor: TActor; var iShowY: Integer) : Integer;
- begin
- //计算Y坐标 用于显示 人物名
- if g_boShowNameOnHead then begin
- Result := iShowY;
- end else begin
- Result := actor.m_nSayY + actor.SayOff div 2;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TPlayScene.DrawActorInfo;
- var
- i: Integer;
- actor: TActor;
- name: string;
- color: TColor;
- iShowNameY, iTmp: Integer;
- iShowNameX: Integer;
- begin
- for i := 0 to m_ActorList.Count - 1 do begin
- actor := TActor(m_ActorList<i>);
- iShowNameY := actor.m_nSayY;
- if not actor.m_boDeath then begin
- if g_NewStatus = sBlind then Continue;
- { 绘制血条 }
- if not (actor.m_btRace in [RCC_MERCHANT, RC_DAIKATANAGUARD]) then
- actor.RenderHealth(iShowNameY);
- {NPC 只显示名字}
- if (actor.m_btRace in [RCC_MERCHANT, RC_DAIKATANAGUARD, RC_ARROWGUARD]) then begin
- if g_boExtrudeNPC then
- color := clLime
- else color := actor.m_nNameColor;
- actor.NameTextOut(actor.m_sUserName, actor.m_nSayX, calcShowActorNameY(actor, iShowNameY), color);
- if (actor.m_btRace <> RC_ARROWGUARD) then Continue; //跳过,下一角色
- end;
- if{怪物} (actor.m_btRace <> 0) and (actor.m_btRace <> 1) then begin
- if g_boDrawMonsterName then begin
- if g_boExtrudeMonsterName then begin
- if actor.m_btRace in [RC_SKULLPET, RC_DEITYPET]{道士宠物} then
- color := clLime
- else color := clRed;
- end else color := actor.m_nNameColor;
- actor.NameTextOut(actor.m_sUserName, actor.m_nSayX, calcShowActorNameY(actor, iShowNameY), color);
- end;
- end
- else {玩家} if (actor.m_btRace = RCC_USERHUMAN{男}) or (actor.m_btRace = 1{女}) then begin
- if (Actor = g_MySelf) and g_boExtrudeSelf then
- color := clLime
- else color := actor.m_nNameColor;
- {角色名}
- iTmp := 0;
- name := ''; {鼠标指向角色 - 显示名称}
- if g_boDrawName or ((actor <> g_MySelf) and (actor = g_FocusCret)){其他玩家} or
- ((actor = g_MySelf) and IsSelectMyself(g_nMouseX, g_nMouseY)) {自己} then begin
- name := actor.m_sUserName;
- end;
- if name <> '' then begin
- //iTmp为人名显示Y坐标 - 16 iShowNameY - 为头顶坐标
- iTmp := actor.NameTextOut(name, actor.m_nSayX, calcShowActorNameY(actor, iShowNameY), color);
- if g_boShowNameOnHead then iShowNameY := iTmp;
- end;
- {行会名}
- if g_boShowNameOnHead then begin
- if (iTmp = 0) then iTmp := iShowNameY;
- if not g_boShowGuildNickNameOnHead then iTmp := actor.m_nSayY + actor.SayOff div 2;
- end else begin
- if g_boShowGuildNickNameOnHead then iTmp := iShowNameY
- else if iTmp = 0 then iTmp := actor.m_nSayY + actor.SayOff div 2;
- end;
- name := '';
- if (g_boDrawGuildName) and (actor.m_sDescGuildName <> '') then begin
- if actor.m_sDescRankName = '' then
- name := actor.m_sDescGuildName + '\' + name
- else
- name := actor.m_sDescGuildName + '[' + actor.m_sDescRankName + ']' + '\' + name;
- end;
- if name <> '' then begin
- iTmp := actor.NameTextOut(name, actor.m_nSayX, iTmp, color);
- if g_boShowGuildNickNameOnHead then iShowNameY := iTmp;
- end;
- {摆摊:商铺名}
- if actor.m_boStartStore then begin
- iShowNameX := actor.m_nSayX - (TextWidth(actor.m_sMyStoreName) + g_UIStoreName.Width + 2) div 2;
- g_UIStoreName.Draw(iShowNameX, iShowNameY - 5);
- ImageDraw.TextOut(iShowNameX + g_UIStoreName.Width + 2,
- iShowNameY, actor.m_sMyStoreName, clLime, ColorContour);
- Dec(iShowNameY, 23);
- end;
- end;
- { 绘制生命改变 攻击/毒等扣血值}
- if g_boDrawHurtNum and (g_NewStatus <> sBlind) then begin
- Actor.ShowHealthStatus;
- end;
- end;
- { 显示角色说话文字 }
- if g_NewStatus <> sBlind then begin
- Actor.ShowSayMsg(m_ObjSurface, iShowNameY);
- end;
- end;
- if (g_nAreaStateValue and $04) <> 0 then begin
- m_ObjSurface.BoldTextOut(SCREENWIDTH div 2 - 60, 0, '[攻城区]');
- end;
- if (g_nAreaStateValue and $05) <> 0 then begin
- m_ObjSurface.BoldTextOut(SCREENWIDTH div 2 - 20, 0, '[决斗区]');
- end;
- if (g_nAreaStateValue and $06) <> 0 then begin
- m_ObjSurface.BoldTextOut(SCREENWIDTH div 2 - 50, 0, '[安全区]');
- end;
- end;
- procedure TPlayScene.ClearDropItem;
- var
- I, II: Integer;
- List: TList;
- DropItem: pTDropItem;
- begin
- {
- if not CanDraw then Exit;
- }
- g_DropedItemList.Lock;
- try
- for I := g_DropedItemList.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin
- List := TList(g_DropedItemList.Items[I]);
- if List.Count > 0 then begin
- DropItem := List.Items[0];
- if (abs(DropItem.X - g_MySelf.m_nCurrX) > 30) and (abs(DropItem.Y - g_MySelf.m_nCurrY) > 30) then begin
- for II := 0 to List.Count - 1 do begin
- DropItem := List.Items[II];
- Dispose(DropItem);
- end;
- List.Free;
- g_DropedItemList.Delete(I);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- finally
- g_DropedItemList.UnLock;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TPlayScene.Run(RunSelf: Boolean);
- var
- I, k: Integer;
- movetick: Boolean;
- evn: TEvent;
- Actor: TActor;
- meff: TMagicEff;
- effectRender: TEffectRender;
- dwCheckTime, dwTestCheckTime: LongWord;
- nIdx: Integer;
- boCheckTimeLimit: Boolean;
- dwStepMoveTime: LongWord;
- dwTickTime: LongWord;
- begin
- if (g_MySelf = nil) then Exit;
- g_boDoFastFadeOut := False;
- {
- m_nAniCount: 控制动画渲染 ? ? ?
- }
- if GetTickCount - m_dwAniTime >= 50 then begin
- m_dwAniTime := GetTickCount;
- Inc(m_nAniCount);
- if m_nAniCount > 100000 then m_nAniCount := 0;
- end;
- { Ryan - Some Serious Problem Here I Think, Needs Looking Into }
- try
- nIdx := 0;
- dwCheckTime := g_sysTimeTick;
- boCheckTimeLimit := False;
- while True do begin
- if nIdx >= m_ActorList.Count then Break;
- Actor := TActor(m_ActorList.Items[nIdx]);
- if (not RunSelf) and (Actor = g_MySelf) then begin
- Inc(nIdx);
- Continue;
- end;
- dwTestCheckTime := g_sysTimeTick;
- movetick := Actor.CanMove;
- if movetick then begin
- Actor.m_boLockEndFrame := False;
- end;
- if not Actor.m_boLockEndFrame then begin
- Actor.ProcMsg;
- Actor.Run;
- if movetick then begin
- if Actor.Move(Actor.m_nMoveStepCount) then begin
- Inc(nIdx);
- Continue;
- end;
- end;
- if Actor <> g_MySelf then
- Actor.ProcHurryMsg;
- end;
- if Actor = g_MySelf then Actor.ProcHurryMsg;
- if Actor.m_nWaitForRecogId <> 0 then begin
- if Actor.IsIdle then begin
- DelChangeFace(Actor.m_nWaitForRecogId);
- NewActor(Actor.m_nWaitForRecogId, Actor.m_nCurrX,
- Actor.m_nCurrY, Actor.m_btDir, Actor.m_nWaitForFeature,
- Actor.m_nWaitForStatus);
- Actor.m_nWaitForRecogId := 0;
- Actor.m_boDelActor := True;
- end;
- end;
- if Actor.m_boDelActor then begin
- m_ActorList.Delete(nIdx);
- UpDataFreeActorList(Actor);
- if g_TargetCret = Actor then g_TargetCret := nil;
- if g_FocusCret = Actor then g_FocusCret := nil;
- if g_MagicTarget = Actor then g_MagicTarget := nil;
- if g_MyHero = Actor then g_MyHero := nil;
- if g_SerieTarget = Actor then g_SerieTarget := nil;
- end
- else begin
- Inc(nIdx);
- end;
- end;
- except
- DebugOutStr('Error 1: PlayerSence.Run');
- end;
- try
- { 处理地面特效 }
- nIdx := 0;
- while True do begin
- if nIdx >= m_GroundEffectList.Count then Break;
- meff := m_GroundEffectList[nIdx];
- if meff.m_boActive then begin
- if not meff.Run then begin
- m_GroundEffectList.Delete(nIdx);
- meff.Free;
- Continue;
- end;
- end;
- Inc(nIdx);
- end;
- { 处理特武功效 }
- nIdx := 0;
- while True do begin
- if nIdx >= m_effectRenderList.Count then Break;
- effectRender := m_effectRenderList[nIdx];
- if not effectRender.Running then begin
- effectRender.Free;
- m_effectRenderList.Delete(nIdx);
- end;
- Inc(nIdx);
- end;
- { 处理特武功效 }
- nIdx := 0;
- while True do begin
- if nIdx >= m_EffectList.Count then Break;
- meff := m_EffectList[nIdx];
- if meff.m_boActive then begin
- if not meff.Run then begin
- meff.Free;
- m_EffectList.Delete(nIdx);
- Continue;
- end;
- end;
- Inc(nIdx);
- end;
- { 处理飞行特效 }
- nIdx := 0;
- while True do begin
- if nIdx >= m_FlyList.Count then Break;
- meff := m_FlyList[nIdx];
- if meff.m_boActive then begin
- if not meff.Run then begin
- meff.Free;
- m_FlyList.Delete(nIdx);
- Continue;
- end;
- end;
- Inc(nIdx);
- end;
- { 执行事件逻辑 }
- g_eventRenderMgr.Update;
- EventMan.Execute;
- except
- DebugOutStr('Error 2: PlayerSence.Run');
- end;
- try
- { 清除超过显示范围的物品数据 }
- ClearDropItem();
- { 清除超过显示范围的魔法数据 }
- for k := 0 to EventMan.EventList.Count - 1 do begin
- evn := TEvent(EventMan.EventList[k]);
- if (abs(evn.m_nX - g_MySelf.m_nCurrX) > 30) and (abs(evn.m_nY - g_MySelf.m_nCurrY) > 30) then begin
- evn.Free;
- EventMan.EventList.Delete(k);
- Break;
- end;
- end;
- { 播放烟花声音 }
- for k := 0 to EventMan.EventList.Count - 1 do begin
- evn := TEvent(EventMan.EventList[k]);
- if (abs(evn.m_nX - g_MySelf.m_nCurrX) <= 15) and (abs(evn.m_nY - g_MySelf.m_nCurrY) <= 15) then begin
- if evn.m_nEventType in [ET_FIREFLOWER_1..ET_FIREFLOWER_8] then begin
- if TFlowerEvent(evn).m_nExplosionSound > 0 then begin
- PlaySound(TFlowerEvent(evn).m_nExplosionSound);
- TFlowerEvent(evn).m_nExplosionSound := -2;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- except
- DebugOutStr('Error 3: PlayerSence.Run');
- end;
- g_dwRefreshMessagesTick := g_sysTimeTick;
- end;
- procedure TPlayScene.PlayScene(MSurface: TTexture);
- var
- msgstr: string;
- nSnowX, nSnowY: Integer;
- FontSize: Integer;
- surface: TTexture;
- mode: Integer;
- rect: TRect;
- width, height, i: Integer;
- s,s1: Int64;
- begin
- { 角色加载中 }
- if (g_MySelf = nil) then begin
- Exit;
- end;
- if Assigned(g_PlugInfo.HookPlayScene) then begin
- if g_PlugInfo.HookPlayScene(MSurface) then Exit;
- end;
- Run(True);
- { 失明状态 }
- if g_NewStatus = sBlind then begin
- msgstr := Format('你已进入失明状态,持续%d秒...', [g_NewStatusDelayTime]);
- with MSurface do begin
- FontSize := MainForm.Canvas.Font.Size;
- MainForm.Canvas.Font.Size := 18;
- BoldTextOut((SCREENWIDTH - TextWidth(msgstr)) div 2, (SCREENHEIGHT - 600) + 200, msgstr);
- MainForm.Canvas.Font.Size := FontSize;
- end;
- Exit;
- end;
- { 画面震动 }
- if g_boVibration then begin
- g_nVibrationX := g_nVibrationX + g_VibrationValue[g_nVibrationPos].X;
- g_nVibrationY := g_nVibrationY + g_VibrationValue[g_nVibrationPos].Y;
- Inc(g_nVibrationPos);
- if g_nVibrationPos >= Length(g_VibrationValue) then begin
- g_nVibrationPos := 0;
- Inc(g_nVibrationCount);
- end;
- g_boVibration := g_nVibrationCount < g_nVibrationTotal;
- end;
- { 客户端窗口定位 }
- with m_clientRect do begin
- Top := g_MySelf.m_nRy - (SCREENHEIGHT div UNITY + 1) div 2;
- Left := g_MySelf.m_nRx - (SCREENWIDTH div UNITX + 1) div 2;
- Right := g_MySelf.m_nRx + (SCREENWIDTH div UNITX - 1) div 2;
- Bottom := g_MySelf.m_nRy + (SCREENHEIGHT div UNITY - 1) div 2;
- end;
- m_nOldCurrX := m_nCurrX;
- m_nOldCurrY := m_nCurrY;
- m_nCurrX := g_MySelf.m_nShiftX;
- m_nCurrY := g_MySelf.m_nShiftY;
- if m_nCurrX < 0 then m_nCurrX := 0;
- if m_nCurrY < 0 then m_nCurrY := 0;
- nSnowX := m_nCurrX;
- nSnowY := m_nCurrY;
- { 更新地图块 }
- Map.UpdateMapBlock(g_MySelf.m_nRx, g_MySelf.m_nRy);
- Map.UpdateSceneMgr;
- { 绘制地下表层 }
- DrawMap(ML_GROUND);
- { 绘制地表层 }
- DrawMap(ML_SURFACE);
- { 绘制上地表层 }
- DrawMap(ML_TILE);
- { 绘制对象层 }
- DrawObjLayer;
- { 绘制天空层 }
- DrawMap(ML_SKY);
- if (g_MySelf <> nil) and IsValidActor(g_MySelf) and (g_MySelf.m_nState and $00800000 = 0) then begin
- g_MySelf.Render((g_MySelf.m_nRx - m_ClientRect.Left) * UNITX,
- (g_MySelf.m_nRy - m_ClientRect.Top) * UNITY, True, 110);
- end;
- if (g_FocusCret <> nil) and IsValidActor(g_FocusCret) and (g_FocusCret <> g_MySelf) and
- (g_FocusCret.m_nState and $00800000 = 0) then begin
- g_FocusCret.Render(
- (g_FocusCret.m_nRx - m_ClientRect.Left) * UNITX + g_FocusCret.m_nShiftX - g_MySelf.m_nShiftX,
- (g_FocusCret.m_nRy - m_ClientRect.Top) * UNITY + g_FocusCret.m_nShiftY - g_MySelf.m_nShiftY,
- True, 110
- );
- end;
- if (g_MagicTarget <> nil) and IsValidActor(g_MagicTarget) and (g_MagicTarget <> g_MySelf) and
- (g_MagicTarget.m_nState and $00800000 = 0) then begin
- g_MagicTarget.Render(
- (g_MagicTarget.m_nRx - m_ClientRect.Left) * UNITX + g_MagicTarget.m_nShiftX - g_MySelf.m_nShiftX,
- (g_MagicTarget.m_nRy - m_ClientRect.Top) * UNITY + g_MagicTarget.m_nShiftY - g_MySelf.m_nShiftY,
- True, 110
- );
- end;
- {掉落物品名字}
- if g_FocusItem <> nil then begin
- if g_FocusItem.Looks in [1, 2, 3] then
- surface := g_dropitems.Images['掉落_' + RES_BOOKS[g_FocusItem.Looks - 1]]
- else
- if g_FocusItem.Name = g_sGoldName then
- surface := g_dropitems.Images['掉落_金币大.png']
- else
- surface := g_dropitems.Images['掉落_' + g_FocusItem.Name + '.png'];
- if surface <> nil then begin
- nSnowX := (g_FocusItem.X - m_ClientRect.Left) * UNITX - surface.Width div 2 - g_MySelf.m_nShiftX - HALFX;
- nSnowY := (g_FocusItem.Y - m_ClientRect.Top) * UNITY - surface.Height div 2 - g_MySelf.m_nShiftY - HALFY;
- surface.Draw(nSnowX, nSnowY);
- surface.DrawEff(nSnowX, nSnowY, ceBright, 170);
- width := TextWidth(g_FocusItem.Name) + 4;
- height := TextHeight(g_FocusItem.Name) + 2;
- rect.Left := nSnowX + (surface.Width - width) div 2;
- rect.Top := nSnowY - height - 4;
- rect.Right := rect.Left + width;
- rect.Bottom := rect.Top + height;
- surface.FillRectAlpha(rect, $00004C4C, 125);
- ImageDraw.TextOut(rect.Left + 2, rect.Top + 1, g_FocusItem.Name);
- end;
- end;
- { 绘制名字、血条等}
- DrawActorInfo;
- DrawTargetHP();
- { 绘制武功特效 }
- for i := 0 to m_effectRenderList.Count - 1 do begin
- TEffectRender(m_effectRenderList<i>).Render;
- end;
- { 地图掩盖层 }
- if (Map.Name = 'jjc') or (Map.Name = 'mq0') or (Map.Name = 'mz0') or (Map.Name = 'shatu') then begin
- surface := nil;
- end
- else begin
- surface := g_resUi.Images['map_mask.png'];
- end;
- if surface <> nil then begin
- surface.Draw(0, 0);
- end;
- DrawBloodBox();
- if g_jjrelive then begin
- s := Round((GetTickCount - g_jjreliveTick) div 1000);
- if s <= 10 then begin
- ImageDraw.TextOut(100, 100, IntToStr(s));
- end else begin
- frmMain.SendMerchantDlgSelect(g_nCurMerchant, '@revivejjc');
- g_jjrelive := False;
- end;
- end;
- if g_startplay then begin
- s1 := Round((GetTickCount - g_starttime) div 1000);
- if s1 < 5 then begin
- g_timepic[4-s1].Draw((SCREENWIDTH - g_timepic[4-s1].Width) div 2, (SCREENHEIGHT - g_timepic[4-s1].Height) div 2);
- end else begin
- if s1 = 5 then begin
- g_timepic[s1].Draw((SCREENWIDTH - g_timepic[s1].Width) div 2, (SCREENHEIGHT - g_timepic[s1].Height) div 2);
- end else begin
- g_startplay := False;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;</i></i></i></i></i></i></i></i>