unit EDcode;
Windows, SysUtils, Classes;
CM_CheckNet = 1; //检查服务器状态,包含检测版本登命令
CM_GetRenStr = 2; //获取随机验证码
CM_Reg = 3; //用户注册
CM_ModPass = 4; //修改密码
CM_GetQuest = 5; //获取密码提示问题
CM_ReSetPass = 6; //重设密码
PM_VerOk = 11; //客户端版本符合
PM_VerNo = 12; //客户端版本不符合
PM_SMess = 13; //仅弹出公告
PM_SMessButt = 14; //弹出公告+更新按钮
PM_UserRep = 31; //用户名称已经存在
PM_PwsError = 41; //老密码错误
PM_NotUser = 51; //ID不存在
PM_InfoError = 61; //资料不符合
PM_RenError = 3451; //随机验证码错误
PM_Disable = 3452; //管理员禁止使用
PM_SqlError = 3453; //服务器数据库连接错误
PM_StrError = 3454; //字符串包含非法字符
PM_StrBlank = 3455; //字符串中包含有空格
PM_UnError = 3456; //发生未知异常
PM_UserOK = 3457; //用户操作成功
- type
- TEnDecodeType = (edtMir2, edtMirWorld);
- TLongMsg = packed record
- Comm: Word;
- param: Word;
- end;
- TRegUser = packed record
- UserID: string[15];
- UserPass: string[15];
- PQ1: string[30];
- PA1: string[30];
- PQ2: string[30];
- PA2: string[15];
- UserEmail: string[40];
- EnRenKey: string[8];
- end;
- function EncodeString(str: string; EnDecodeType: TEnDecodeType): string;
- function DecodeString(str: string; EnDecodeType: TEnDecodeType): string;
- function EncodeBuffer(buf: pChar; bufsize: integer; EnDecodeType: TEnDecodeType): string;
- procedure DecodeBuffer(src: string; buf: pChar; bufsize: integer; EnDecodeType: TEnDecodeType);
- //传世封包加/解密方法
- function MirDecode(pIn: string; Size: Word; pOut: pChar): Word;
- function MirEncode(pIn: pChar; Size: Word; pOut: pChar): Word;
- var
- CSEncode : TRTLCriticalSection;
- implementation
- uses math;
- var
- EncBuf, TempBuf : pChar;
- procedure Encode6BitBuf(src, dest: pChar; srclen, destlen: integer; EnDecodeType: TEnDecodeType);
- var
- i, restcount, destpos: integer;
- made, ch, rest : byte;
- begin
- if EnDecodeType = edtMirWorld then
- begin
- //fillchar(dest,destlen,0);
- MirEncode(src, srclen, dest);
- end
- else
- try
- restcount := 0;
- rest := 0;
- destpos := 0;
- for i := 0 to srclen - 1 do
- begin
- if destpos >= destlen then break;
- ch := byte(src<i>);
- made := byte((rest or (ch shr (2 + restcount))) and $3F);
- rest := byte(((ch shl (8 - (2 + restcount))) shr 2) and $3F);
- Inc(restcount, 2);
- if restcount < 6 then
- begin
- dest[destpos] := char(made + $3C);
- Inc(destpos);
- end
- else
- begin
- if destpos < destlen - 1 then
- begin
- dest[destpos] := char(made + $3C);
- dest[destpos + 1] := char(rest + $3C);
- Inc(destpos, 2);
- end
- else
- begin
- dest[destpos] := char(made + $3C);
- Inc(destpos);
- end;
- restcount := 0;
- rest := 0;
- end;
- end;
- if restcount > 0 then
- begin
- dest[destpos] := char(rest + $3C);
- Inc(destpos);
- end;
- dest[destpos] := #0;
- except
- end;
- end;
- //解码
- procedure Decode6BitBuf(source: string; buf: pChar; buflen: integer; EnDecodeType: TEnDecodeType);
- const
- Masks : array[2..6] of byte = ($FC, $F8, $F0, $E0, $C0);
- //($FE, $FC, $F8, $F0, $E0, $C0, $80, $00);
- var
- i, len, bitpos, madebit, bufpos: integer;
- ch, tmp, _byte : byte;
- begin
- if EnDecodeType = edtMirWorld then
- begin
- //fillchar(buf,buflen,0);
- MirDecode(source, length(source), buf);
- i := round(length(source) * 3 / 4);
- buf<i> := #$0;
- end
- else
- try
- len := length(source);
- bitpos := 2;
- madebit := 0;
- bufpos := 0;
- tmp := 0;
- for i := 1 to len do
- begin
- if integer(source<i>) - $3C >= 0 then
- ch := byte(source<i>) - $3C
- else
- begin
- bufpos := 0;
- break;
- end;
- if bufpos >= buflen then break;
- if (madebit + 6) >= 8 then
- begin
- _byte := byte(tmp or ((ch and $3F) shr (6 - bitpos)));
- buf[bufpos] := char(_byte);
- Inc(bufpos);
- madebit := 0;
- if bitpos < 6 then
- Inc(bitpos, 2)
- else
- begin
- bitpos := 2;
- continue;
- end;
- end;
- tmp := byte(byte(ch shl bitpos) and Masks[bitpos]); // #### ##--
- Inc(madebit, 8 - bitpos);
- end;
- buf[bufpos] := #0;
- except
- end;
- end;
- function DecodeString(str: string; EnDecodeType: TEnDecodeType): string;
- begin
- try
- EnterCriticalSection(CSEncode);
- Decode6BitBuf(str, EncBuf, BUFFERSIZE,EnDecodeType);
- result := StrPas(EncBuf); //error, 1, 2, 3,...
- finally
- LeaveCriticalSection(CSEncode);
- end;
- end;
- procedure DecodeBuffer(src: string; buf: pChar; bufsize: integer; EnDecodeType: TEnDecodeType);
- begin
- try
- EnterCriticalSection(CSEncode);
- Decode6BitBuf(src, EncBuf, BUFFERSIZE,EnDecodeType);
- Move(EncBuf^, buf^, bufsize);
- finally
- LeaveCriticalSection(CSEncode);
- end;
- end;
- function EncodeString(str: string; EnDecodeType: TEnDecodeType): string;
- begin
- try
- EnterCriticalSection(CSEncode);
- Encode6BitBuf(pChar(str), EncBuf, length(str), BUFFERSIZE,EnDecodeType);
- result := StrPas(EncBuf);
- finally
- LeaveCriticalSection(CSEncode);
- end;
- end;
- function EncodeBuffer(buf: pChar; bufsize: integer; EnDecodeType: TEnDecodeType): string;
- begin
- try
- EnterCriticalSection(CSEncode);
- if bufsize < BUFFERSIZE then
- begin
- Move(buf^, TempBuf^, bufsize);
- Encode6BitBuf(TempBuf, EncBuf, bufsize, BUFFERSIZE,EnDecodeType);
- result := StrPas(EncBuf);
- end
- else
- result := '';
- finally
- LeaveCriticalSection(CSEncode);
- end;
- end;
- function MirDecode(pIn: string; Size: Word; pOut: pChar): Word;
- //传奇世界封包解密
- var
- b1, b2, b3 : byte;
- c1, c2, c3, c4 : byte;
- i, oPtr : Word;
- x, y : Word;
- begin
- // i := 0;
- oPtr := 0;
- x := length(pIn) div 4;
- if length(pIn) > 3 then
- for i := 0 to x - 1 do
- begin
- c1 := ord(pIn[i * 4 + 1]) - $3B;
- c2 := ord(pIn[i * 4 + 2]) - $3B;
- c3 := ord(pIn[i * 4 + 3]) - $3B;
- c4 := ord(pIn[i * 4 + 4]) - $3B;
- b1 := (c1 and $FC) shl 2; //11111100->11110000
- b2 := (c1 and 3); //00000011
- b3 := c4 and $C; //00001100
- pOut[oPtr] := chr((b1 or b2 or b3) xor $EB);
- Inc(oPtr);
- b1 := (c2 and $FC) shl 2; //11111100->11110000
- b2 := (c2 and 3); //00000011
- b3 := (c4 and 3) shl 2; //00000011 ->00001100
- pOut[oPtr] := chr((b1 or b2 or b3) xor $EB);
- Inc(oPtr);
- b1 := (c4 and $30) shl 2; //00110000->11000000
- pOut[oPtr] := chr((c3 or b1) xor $EB);
- Inc(oPtr);
- end;
- y := length(pIn) mod 4;
- if y = 2 then
- begin
- c1 := ord(pIn[x * 4 + 1]) - $3B;
- c2 := ord(pIn[x * 4 + 2]) - $3B;
- b1 := (c1 and $FC) shl 2; //11111100->11110000
- b2 := (c1 and 3); //00000011
- b3 := (c2 and 3) shl 2; //00000011->00001100
- pOut[oPtr] := chr((b1 or b2 or b3) xor $EB);
- Inc(oPtr);
- end;
- if y = 3 then
- begin
- c1 := ord(pIn[x * 4 + 1]) - $3B;
- c2 := ord(pIn[x * 4 + 2]) - $3B;
- c4 := ord(pIn[x * 4 + 3]) - $3B;
- b1 := (c1 and $FC) shl 2; //11111100->11110000
- b2 := (c1 and 3); //00000011
- b3 := c4 and $C; //00001100
- pOut[oPtr] := chr((b1 or b2 or b3) xor $EB);
- Inc(oPtr);
- b1 := (c2 and $FC) shl 2; //11111100->11110000
- b2 := (c2 and 3); //00000011
- b3 := (c4 and 3) shl 2; //00000011 ->00001100
- pOut[oPtr] := chr((b1 or b2 or b3) xor $EB);
- Inc(oPtr);
- end;
- result := oPtr;
- end;
- function MirEncode(pIn: pChar; Size: Word; pOut: pChar): Word;
- //传奇世界封包加密
- var
- b1, bcal : byte;
- bflag1, bflag2 : byte;
- i, iPtr, oPtr : Word;
- begin
- // b1 := 0;
- // bcal := 0;
- // bflag1 := 0;
- bflag2 := 0;
- i := 0;
- iPtr := 0;
- oPtr := 0;
- while iPtr < Size do
- begin
- b1 := ord(pIn[iPtr]) xor $EB;
- Inc(iPtr);
- if i < 2 then
- begin
- bcal := b1;
- bcal := bcal shr 2;
- bflag1 := bcal;
- bcal := bcal and $3C;
- b1 := b1 and 3;
- bcal := bcal or b1;
- bcal := bcal + $3B;
- pOut[oPtr] := chr(bcal);
- Inc(oPtr);
- bflag2 := (bflag1 and 3) or (bflag2 shl 2);
- end
- else
- begin
- bcal := b1;
- bcal := bcal and $3F;
- bcal := bcal + $3B;
- pOut[oPtr] := chr(bcal);
- Inc(oPtr);
- b1 := b1 shr 2;
- b1 := b1 and $30;
- b1 := b1 or bflag2;
- b1 := b1 + $3B;
- pOut[oPtr] := chr(b1);
- Inc(oPtr);
- bflag2 := 0;
- end;
- Inc(i);
- i := i mod 3;
- end;
- pOut[oPtr] := chr(0);
- if i <> 0 then
- begin
- pOut[oPtr] := chr(bflag2 + $3B);
- Inc(oPtr);
- pOut[oPtr] := chr(0);
- end;
- result := oPtr;
- end;
- initialization
- begin
- GetMem(EncBuf, BUFFERSIZE + 100); //BUFFERSIZE + 100);
- GetMem(TempBuf, 10240); //2048);
- InitializeCriticalSection(CSEncode);
- end;
- finalization
- begin
- FreeMem(EncBuf);
- FreeMem(TempBuf);
- DeleteCriticalSection(CSEncode);
- end;
- end.</i></i></i></i>