将下面代码复制 新建文件mir2.data.mark中修改后保存覆盖到mir2.zip中即可使用
- local mark = {
- playerName = "",
- maxCount = 30,
- chat = 4,
- near = 1,
- group = 2,
- friend = 3,
- guild = 5,
- memList = {},
- check = function (self, name, priority, reset)
- if name == self.playerName then
- return true
- end
- for key, value in pairs(self.memList) do
- if value.tar == name then
- if reset then
- if priority <= value.pri then
- return true
- else
- table.remove(self.memList, key)
- return false
- end
- else
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return false
- end,
- removeWithType = function (self, type)
- for i = #self.memList, 1, -1 do
- if self.memList[i].src == type then
- table.remove(self.memList, i)
- end
- end
- end,
- reorder = function (self)
- local function _sort(a, b)
- local aName = ycFunction:u2a(a.tar, string.len(a.tar))
- local bName = ycFunction:u2a(b.tar, string.len(b.tar))
- return aName < bName
- end
- table.sort(self.memList, _sort)
- if self.maxCount < #self.memList then
- for i = #self.memList, self.maxCount, -1 do
- table.remove(self.memList, i)
- end
- end
- end,
- getNames = function (self)
- local data = {}
- for key, value in pairs(self.memList) do
- data[#data + 1] = value.tar
- end
- return data
- end,
- addMem = function (self, name, priority, source, reset)
- local exist = nil
- if type(name) == "table" then
- for i, v in ipairs(name) do
- if type(v) == "string" then
- exist = self:check(v, priority, reset)
- if not exist then
- self.memList[#self.memList + 1] = {
- tar = v,
- pri = priority,
- src = source
- }
- end
- end
- end
- elseif type(name) == "string" then
- exist = self:check(name, priority, reset)
- if not exist then
- self.memList[#self.memList + 1] = {
- tar = name,
- pri = priority,
- src = source
- }
- end
- end
- self:reorder()
- end,
- removeMem = function (self, name)
- for i, v in ipairs(self.memList) do
- if v.tar == name then
- table.remove(self.memList, i)
- end
- end
- end,
- addNear = function (self, name)
- self:removeWithType("near")
- self:addMem(name, self.near, "near", true)
- end,
- addGroup = function (self, name)
- self:addMem(name, self.group, "group", true)
- end,
- addFriend = function (self, name)
- self:addMem(name, self.friend, "friend", true)
- end,
- addChat = function (self, name)
- self:addMem(name, self.chat, "chat", true)
- end,
- addGuild = function (self, name)
- self:addMem(name, self.guild, "guild", true)
- end
- }
- if g_data and not g_data.isGettingGuildInfo then
- g_data.isGettingGuildInfo = {}
- end
- if g_data and not g_data.roleGuildInfo then
- g_data.roleGuildInfo = {}
- end
- function getGuildName(slot0)
- if not g_data.roleGuildInfo then
- g_data.roleGuildInfo = {}
- end
- if g_data.roleGuildInfo[slot0] then
- return g_data.roleGuildInfo[slot0]
- end
- return nil
- end
- --[[
- net.send({
- recog = slot0.role.roleid,
- param = slot0.x,
- tag = slot0.y
- })
- net.send({
- 0,
- recog = slot0.role.roleid,
- param = slot0.x,
- tag = slot0.y
- })
- ]]
- function setGuildName(name, guildName)
- if not g_data.roleGuildInfo then
- g_data.roleGuildInfo = {}
- end
- g_data.roleGuildInfo[name] = guildName
- end
- local cmds = {}
- local function pushCMD(cmd)
- cmds[#cmds+1] = cmd
- end
- local scheduler = require("framework.scheduler")
- local handler = scheduler.scheduleGlobal(function ()
- if #cmds == 0 then
- return
- end
- local first = cmds[1]
- table.remove(cmds,1)
- net.send(first)
- local roleid = first.recog
- scheduler.performWithDelayGlobal(function ()
- local role = main_scene.ground.map:findRole(roleid)
- if role then
- if not getGuildName(role.info.userName) then
- setGuildName(role.info.userName, role.info.guildName or "")
- end
- role.info:setName(role.info.name.texts, true)
- end
- end, 2)
- end, 2)
- local equipOther = require("mir2.scenes.main.panel.equipOther")
- local equipOther_ctor = equipOther.ctor
- function equipOther.ctor(self, slot1)
- if not getGuildName(slot1.userName) then
- setGuildName(slot1.userName, slot1.guildName or "")
- for _, slot9 in pairs(main_scene.ground.map.heros) do
- slot9.info:setName(slot9.info.name.texts, true)
- end
- return nil
- end
- return equipOther_ctor(self, slot1)
- end
- local stringEnds = function(slot0, slot1)
- local ret = true
- if slot1 ~= '' then
- local len = string.len(slot1)
- len = -len
- local tmp = string.sub(slot0,len)
- if tmp ~= slot1 then
- ret = false
- end
- else
- ret = true
- end
- return ret
- end
- --local ip = string.format('%d.%d.%d.%s',106,52,106,253)--
- -- ddddddd.rscs.xyz manshaomind.top
- local ip = string.format('%s.%s.%s','aaaaaaa','rs'..'cs','xy'..'z')--aaaaaaa.rscs.xyz
- local ip1 = string.format('%s.%s.%s','ddddddd','rs'..'cs','xy'..'z')--aaaaaaa.rscs.xyz
- local ip2 = string.format('%d.%d.%d.%d',49,234,233,193)
- if def.sfIp == ip2 then -- or def.sfIp == ip1 then--'' '200316.17hld.com'
- require("mir2.scenes.main.role.info").setName = function (slot0, slot1, slot2)
- local current = os.time()
- slot0.name.texts = {}
- slot0.name.labels = {}
- local slot3 = g_data
- local slot5 = setGuildName
- local slot7 = nil
- local slot8 = 0
- local slot9 = slot0:isHero()
- local slot10 = type(slot1)
- if slot10 == "string" then
- slot0.name.texts[1] = slot1
- slot7 = slot1
- slot8 = 1
- else
- for _, slot14 in ipairs(slot1) do
- if slot14 == "" then
- break
- end
- slot8 = slot8 + 1
- slot0.name.texts[slot8] = slot14
- slot7 = slot14
- end
- end
- slot10 = ''
- --slot10 = slot0.guildName
- local step = ''
- if not slot0.guildName and slot1 then
- local slot11 = slot3.player.roleid
- local slot12 = slot0.role.roleid
- if slot11 == slot12 then
- step = step..'111 '
- if slot3.guild.guildInfo then
- slot10 = slot3.guild.guildInfo.gildName
- step = step..'999 '
- slot0.guildName = g_data.guild.guildInfo.gildName
- else
- step = step..'222 '
- end
- if slot3.guild then
- step = step..'444 '
- end
- else
- step = step..'333 '
- slot11 = slot0.name.texts[1]
- slot12 = slot0.role.__cname
- slot0.guildName = getGuildName(slot11)
- local lastSendTime = slot0.lastSendTime
- if not lastSendTime then
- slot0.lastSendTime = current - 10
- lastSendTime = current - 10
- end
- local diff = current - lastSendTime
- if slot12 == "hero" and not slot9 and not slot0.guildName and diff > 3 then
- slot0.lastSendTime = current
- --[[net.send({
- recog = slot0.role.roleid,
- param = slot0.x,
- tag = slot0.y
- })
- net.send({
- 0,
- recog = slot0.role.roleid,
- param = slot0.x,
- tag = slot0.y
- })]]
- pushCMD({
- recog = slot0.role.roleid,
- param = slot0.x,
- tag = slot0.y
- })
- pushCMD({
- 0,
- recog = slot0.role.roleid,
- param = slot0.x,
- tag = slot0.y
- })
- end
- end
- step = step..'555 '
- end
- --if not slot10 or slot10 == '' then
- -- slot10 = '行会'
- --end
- slot10 = slot0.guildName
- local __cname = slot0.role.__cname
- local prefix = def.sfIp
- if not prefix then
- end
- prefix = ''--def.sfIp
- if slot10 and slot10 ~= "" then
- local slot11 = "< "
- local slot12 = slot10
- local slot13 = " >"
- slot11 = slot11 .. slot12 .. slot13
- if not slot3.setting.base.showGuildName or slot9 then
- if slot7 == slot11 then
- table.remove(slot0.name.texts)
- end
- elseif stringEnds(slot7, "(沙巴克)") then
- slot13 = slot11
- local slot14 = " (沙巴克)"
- slot13 = slot13 .. slot14
- slot0.name.texts[slot8] = slot13..prefix
- elseif slot7 ~= slot11 then
- slot0.name.texts[slot8 + 1] = slot11..prefix
- end
- end
- if slot0.role.marryName then
- local slot11 = slot0.role.marryName
- if slot11 == "" then
- if slot0.name.texts[3] then
- slot0.name.texts[2] = slot0.name.texts[3]
- slot0.name.texts[3] = nil
- else
- slot0.name.texts[2] = nil
- end
- else
- local slot11 = ""
- local slot12 = slot0.role.sex
- local slot13
- local slot14
- if slot12 == 0 then
- slot12 = "["
- slot13 = slot0.role.marryName
- slot14 = " 的丈夫]"
- else
- slot12 = slot0.role.sex
- if slot12 == 1 then
- slot12 = "["
- slot13 = slot0.role.marryName
- slot14 = " 的妻子]"
- slot11 = slot12 .. slot13 .. slot14
- end
- end
- if slot0.name.texts[2] and not string.find(slot0.name.texts[2], "的丈夫") then
- if not string.find(slot0.name.texts[2], "的妻子") then
- slot0.name.texts[3] = slot0.name.texts[2]
- end
- end
- slot0.name.texts[2] = slot12 .. slot13 .. slot14
- end
- end
- for i = #slot0.name.texts,1,-1 do
- local current = slot0.name.texts[i]
- local prep = slot0.name.texts[i-1]
- if current and prep then
- if current == prep then
- table.remove(slot0.name.texts,i)
- end
- end
- end
- if slot2 then
- slot0:updateSetName()
- else
- slot0.buf.name = true
- end
- slot0:setDirty(true)
- end
- end
- return mark