- program Mir2;
- {$I GaoJiHuiShou.pas}
- Procedure _exit;
- begin
- This_Npc.CloseDialog(This_Player);
- end;
- Procedure _doexit;
- begin
- This_Npc.CloseDialog(This_Player);
- end;
- function hqsx(id:integer):String;
- var
- i,k,lenxq,xqApos,xqBpos:integer;
- CmdStr,sfxz,sfxzl,XqStr,xqzfc:String;
- Xq_Str:array[1..60] of String;
- Xq_Num:array[1..60] of integer;
- begin
- xqzfc:='回收'+ tzz[id] + '每件可获得:/';
- XqStr := xq[id];
- for k:=1 to 10 do
- begin
- lenxq := length(XqStr);
- xqApos := pos(':',XqStr);
- xqBpos := pos('|',XqStr);
- IF xqBpos = 0 then Break;//后续无数据
- Xq_Str[k] := Copy(XqStr,1,xqApos-1);
- Xq_Num[k] := StrToIntDef(Copy(XqStr,xqApos+1,xqBpos-xqApos-1),0);
- IF Xq_Str[k] = '元宝' then
- begin
- if Xq_Num[k] > 0 then
- begin
- xqzfc:= xqzfc + '元宝:' + inttostr(Xq_Num[k]) + '/';
- end;
- end else
- IF Xq_Str[k] = '经验' then
- begin
- if Xq_Num[k] > 0 then
- begin
- xqzfc:= xqzfc + '经验:' + inttostr(Xq_Num[k]) + '/';
- end;
- end;
- XqStr := Copy(XqStr,xqBpos+1,lenxq);
- end;
- result:=xqzfc;
- exit;
- end;
- Procedure view();
- var
- i,k,lenxq,xqApos,xqBpos:integer;
- CmdStr,sfxz,sfxzl,XqStr,xqzfc:String;
- Xq_Str:array[1..60] of String;
- Xq_Num:array[1..60] of integer;
- begin
- if This_Player.YBNum >= 30000 then begin
- For i:=1 to 7 do
- begin
- if tzz[i] <> '' then
- begin
- if i = 1 then
- begin
- if This_Player.GetS(127,i) > 0 then
- begin
- sfxz := '4';
- sfxzl := 'noxrbl';
- end else
- begin
- sfxz := '3'
- sfxzl := 'xrbl';
- end;
- CmdStr := CmdStr + '1:Img:gjhs:5:80:120:'+hqsx(i)+'@255:addtoscroll1|' + '1:Text:80:120:20:'+tzz[i]+'@255|'+ '1:RBtn:gjhs:'+sfxz+':163:120:@'+sfxzl+'~1|';
- end;
- if i = 2 then
- begin
- if This_Player.GetS(127,i) > 0 then
- begin
- sfxz := '4';
- sfxzl := 'noxrbl';
- end else
- begin
- sfxz := '3'
- sfxzl := 'xrbl';
- end;
- CmdStr := CmdStr + '1:Img:gjhs:5:270:120:'+hqsx(i)+'@255:addtoscroll1|' +'1:Text:270:120:20:'+tzz[i]+'@255|'+'1:RBtn:gjhs:'+sfxz+':353:120:@'+sfxzl+'~2|';
- end;
- if i = 3 then
- begin
- if This_Player.GetS(127,i) > 0 then
- begin
- sfxz := '4';
- sfxzl := 'noxrbl';
- end else
- begin
- sfxz := '3'
- sfxzl := 'xrbl';
- end;
- CmdStr := CmdStr + '1:Img:gjhs:5:80:167:'+hqsx(i)+'@255:addtoscroll1|' +'1:Text:80:167:20:'+tzz[i]+'@255|'+'1:RBtn:gjhs:'+sfxz+':163:167:@'+sfxzl+'~3|';
- end;
- if i = 4 then
- begin
- if This_Player.GetS(127,i) > 0 then
- begin
- sfxz := '4';
- sfxzl := 'noxrbl';
- end else
- begin
- sfxz := '3'
- sfxzl := 'xrbl';
- end;
- CmdStr := CmdStr + '1:Img:gjhs:5:270:167:'+hqsx(i)+'@255:addtoscroll1|' +'1:Text:270:167:20:'+tzz[i]+'@255|'+'1:RBtn:gjhs:'+sfxz+':353:167:@'+sfxzl+'~4|';
- end;
- if i = 5 then
- begin
- if This_Player.GetS(127,i) > 0 then
- begin
- sfxz := '4';
- sfxzl := 'noxrbl';
- end else
- begin
- sfxz := '3'
- sfxzl := 'xrbl';
- end;
- CmdStr := CmdStr + '1:Img:gjhs:5:80:214:'+hqsx(i)+'@255:addtoscroll1|' +'1:Text:80:214:20:'+tzz[i]+'@255|'+'1:RBtn:gjhs:'+sfxz+':163:214:@'+sfxzl+'~5|';
- end;
- if i = 6 then
- begin
- if This_Player.GetS(127,i) > 0 then
- begin
- sfxz := '4';
- sfxzl := 'noxrbl';
- end else
- begin
- sfxz := '3'
- sfxzl := 'xrbl';
- end;
- CmdStr := CmdStr + '1:Img:gjhs:5:270:214:'+hqsx(i)+'@255:addtoscroll1|' +'1:Text:270:214:20:'+tzz[i]+'@255|'+'1:RBtn:gjhs:'+sfxz+':353:214:@'+sfxzl+'~6|';
- end;
- if i = 7 then
- begin
- if This_Player.GetS(127,i) > 0 then
- begin
- sfxz := '4';
- sfxzl := 'noxrbl';
- end else
- begin
- sfxz := '3'
- sfxzl := 'xrbl';
- end;
- CmdStr := CmdStr + '1:Img:gjhs:5:80:261:'+hqsx(i)+'@255:addtoscroll1|' +'1:Text:80:261:20:'+tzz[i]+'@255|'+'1:RBtn:gjhs:'+sfxz+':163:261:@'+sfxzl+'~7|';
- end;
- end;
- end;
- This_Npc.NpcDialog(This_Player,
- 'Bg:gjhs:1|'+
- 'Exit:gjhs:close:close:449:15|'+
- '1:Text:70:40:20:自动回收@251|'+
- '1:Text:120:70:15:勾选后即可开启自动回收!@251|'+
- '1:RBtn:gjhs:2:320:40:一键勾选@yjgx|' +
- '1:RBtn:gjhs:2:320:78:一键取消@yjqx|' +
- '1:Text:320:40:15:一键勾选@255|'+
- '1:Text:320:78:15:一键取消@255|'+
- CmdStr+
- '|{cmd}</@exit> </@xrbl~1> </@xrbl~2> </@xrbl~3> </@xrbl~4> </@xrbl~5> </@xrbl~6> </@xrbl~7> </@xrbl~8> </@xrbl~9> </@xrbl~10> </@xrbl~11> </@xrbl~12>\'+
- '|{cmd}</@noxrbl~1> </@noxrbl~2> </@noxrbl~3> </@noxrbl~4> </@noxrbl~5> </@noxrbl~6> </@noxrbl~7> </@noxrbl~8> </@noxrbl~9> </@noxrbl~10> </@noxrbl~11> </@noxrbl~12>\'+
- '|{cmd}</@yjgx> </@yjqx>'
- );
- end else
- begin
- This_Player.PlayerDialog('对不起你的元宝不足3万元宝无法激活此功能,当前拥有元宝总数'+ inttostr(This_Player.YBNum) + '元宝。<注意不是扣除3万元宝是保持背包拥有3万元宝即可开启自动回收>');
- end;
- end;
- Procedure _yjgx();
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- For i:=1 to 7 do
- begin
- if tzz[i] <> '' then
- begin
- This_Player.SetS(127,i,1);
- end;
- end;
- view();
- //This_Player.CALLOUT(This_Npc,10,'gjhs');
- end;
- Procedure _yjqx();
- var
- i:integer;
- begin
- For i:=1 to 7 do
- begin
- if tzz[i] <> '' then
- begin
- This_Player.SetS(127,i,-1);
- end;
- end;
- view();
- end;
- Procedure _xrbl(id:integer);
- var
- CmdStr:String;
- begin
- This_Player.SetS(127,id,1);
- view();
- //This_Player.CALLOUT(This_Npc,10,'gjhs');
- end;
- Procedure _noxrbl(id:integer);
- begin
- This_Player.SetS(127,id,-1);
- view();
- end;
- Begin
- view();
- end.