- program Mir2;
- Procedure _doexit;
- begin
- This_Npc.CloseDialog(This_Player);
- end;
- function Gaoji0LB(price, num: Integer):boolean;
- begin
- result := true;
- end;
- procedure _YBBG;
- var temp: integer;
- //随机5个点传送
- begin
- temp := random(5)+1;
- if (GetHour() = 21) and (GetMin() >= 0) and (GetMin() <= 19) then
- begin
- if compareText(This_Player.MapName, '3') = 0 then
- begin
- This_Player.randomFlyto('0139~33');
- This_Player.CallOut(This_Npc, 1, 'MKB23');
- end;
- end
- else
- This_Npc.NpcDialog(This_Player,
- '不在活动时间!\'
- );
- end;
- procedure MKB23;
- begin
- if ((GetHour = 21) and (GetMin < 19)) then
- begin
- if CompareText(This_Player.MapName,'0139~33') = 0 then
- begin
- This_Player.CallOut(This_Npc, 1, 'MKB23');
- This_Player.Give('经验',8000);
- end ;
- end else
- begin
- This_Player.FlyTo('3', 333, 333);
- This_Player.PlayerNotice('活动已经结束了,等待下次活动开启!',2);
- end ;
- end ;
- procedure Execute;
- begin
- if (GetHour = 20) and (GetMin = 55) then
- begin
- This_NPC.NpcNotice('神兵争夺战5分钟后开始!!');
- end
- else
- if (GetHour = 20) and (GetMin = 56) then
- begin
- This_NPC.NpcNotice('神兵争夺战4分钟后开始!!');
- end
- else
- if (GetHour = 20) and (GetMin = 57) then
- begin
- This_NPC.NpcNotice('神兵争夺战3分钟后开始!!');
- end
- else
- if (GetHour = 20) and (GetMin = 58) then
- begin
- This_NPC.NpcNotice('神兵争夺战2分钟后开始!!');
- end
- else
- if (GetHour = 20) and (GetMin = 59) then
- begin
- This_NPC.NpcNotice('神兵争夺战1分钟后开始!!');
- end
- else
- if (GetHour = 21) and (GetMin = 00) then
- begin
- This_NPC.NpcNotice('神兵争夺战已经开始,BOSS[神兵守护]1分钟后复活!!');
- This_NPC.NpcNotice('神兵争夺战已经开始,BOSS[神兵守护]1分钟后复活!!');
- This_NPC.NpcNotice('神兵争夺战已经开始,BOSS[神兵守护]1分钟后复活!!');
- end
- else
- if (GetHour = 21) and (GetMin = 01) and
- (This_NPC.CheckMapMonByName('0139~33' , '神兵守护') = 0) then
- begin
- This_NPC.CreateMon('0139~33',23,28,1,'神兵守护',1);
- This_NPC.NpcNotice('神兵守护已出现在神兵争夺战区域,勇士请抓紧时间为了荣誉战斗吧!');
- end;
- end;
- begin
- This_NPC.NpcDialog(This_Player,
- 'Bg:public:13|'+
- 'Exit:public:163:94:740:78|'+
- '1:Text:180:80:18:活动介绍∶@249|'+
- '1:Text:400:80:18:每天晚上21点到21点20开启夺宝活动@254|'+
- '1:Text:400:120:18:刷新一只神兵守护,暴率极高,每次开启20分钟@254|'+
- '1:Text:400:160:18:20分钟后结束不可进入@244|'+
- '1:Text:180:200:18:怪物暴率∶@249|'+
- '1:Text:400:200:18:赤金镇天 1∶5 赤金玄天1∶5 赤金开天 1∶5@254|'+
- '1:Text:400:240:18:恶魔心脏 1∶10 转生碎片1∶10 冰龙碎片 1∶15@254|'+
- '1:Spr:pm:17:26:660:320:0.1:0.6|'+
- '1:Spr:pm:17:26:140:320:0.1:0.6|'+
- '1:Btn:public:151:380:350:神兵利器@YBBG|'+
- '1:Text:380:350:18:神兵利器@70|'+
- '|{cmd}</@YBBG>'
- );
- end.