- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # 载入模块SYS
- import sys
- # 引用模块的地址
- from Globals import *
- import clr
- clr.AddReference("Library")
- from Library import *
- import collections
- import NpcEvent
- import Server.Envir.SEnvir as SEnvir
- clr.AddReference("System.Core")
- clr.AddReference('System')
- import System
- clr.ImportExtensions(System.Linq)
- # 下面两个import用于调用其他NPC
- from Utils import ServerUtils
- from Npc import *
- import unicodedata
- # BOSS数量过多 建议分页
- # 这里是按等级分的 0-45, 75-100这样
- LEVEL_RANGE_1 = 45
- LEVEL_RANGE_2 = 90
- LEVEL_RANGE_3 = 180
- # 过滤名字结尾是数字的怪
- allInfo = [x for x in SEnvir.BossTrackerList if not (x.BossName)[-1].isdigit()]
- # 按等级升序
- sortByLevel = sorted(allInfo, cmp=None, key=lambda x: x.BossInfo.Level, reverse=False)
- def OnClick(args):
- Self = args[0]
- Sender = args[1]
- Menu = args[2]
- Dict={}
- if Menu == 1:
- #判断元宝
- if (Sender.GameGold < 10):
- say= """你没有足够的元宝。
- [离开:0]"""
- else:
- #上面条件达成,扣除元宝开始查询
- SubGameGold(Sender,10)
- say = GenereateSay(0, LEVEL_RANGE_1)
- elif Menu == 2:
- #判断元宝
- if (Sender.GameGold < 10):
- say= """你没有足够的元宝。
- [离开:0]"""
- else:
- #上面条件达成,扣除元宝开始查询
- SubGameGold(Sender,10)
- say = GenereateSay(LEVEL_RANGE_1, LEVEL_RANGE_2)
- elif Menu == 3:
- #判断元宝
- if (Sender.GameGold < 10):
- say= """你没有足够的元宝。
- [离开:0]"""
- else:
- #上面条件达成,扣除元宝开始查询
- SubGameGold(Sender,10)
- say = GenereateSay(LEVEL_RANGE_2, LEVEL_RANGE_3)
- elif Menu == 4:
- #判断元宝
- if (Sender.GameGold < 10):
- say= """你没有足够的元宝。
- [离开:0]"""
- else:
- #上面条件达成,扣除元宝开始查询
- SubGameGold(Sender,10)
- say = GenereateSay(LEVEL_RANGE_3, 999999)
- elif Menu >= 100:
- # 详情查询
- info = next(x for x in sortByLevel if x.BossInfo.Index == Menu-100)
- say = GenerateDetail(info.SpawnInfo) if info else "出错了"
- else:
- say = """这里可以查询所有BOSS的状态
- 每次查询收费10元宝
- [查询0-{}级boss:1]
- [查询{}-{}级boss:2]
- [查询{}-{}级boss:3]
- [查询{}级以上boss:4]
- Dict['Say']=say #定义聊天框对话内容
- return Dict
- # 生成列表
- def GenereateSay(minLevel, maxLevel):
- # 表头
- say = '{0: <15} {1: <15} {2: <15} \n'.format('BOSS', '击杀者', '击杀时间')
- # 内容
- filtered = [x for x in sortByLevel if x.BossInfo.Level >= minLevel and x.BossInfo.Level <= maxLevel and not (x.BossName)[-1].isdigit()]
- say += '\n'.join("[{}:{}] {} {}".format(
- boss.BossName,
- boss.BossInfo.Index + 100,
- boss.LastKiller.CharacterName if boss.LastKiller else '无',
- boss.LastKillTime if boss.LastKiller else '无') for boss in filtered)
- return say
- def GenerateDetail(spawns):
- # 表头
- say = '{0: <10} {1: <6} {2: <6} {3: <6}\n'.format('名称', '当前地图', '存活数量', '下次刷新')
- # 内容
- say += '\n'.join("{} {} {} {}".format(
- spawn.Info.Monster.MonsterName,
- spawn.CurrentMap.Info.Description,
- spawn.AliveCount,
- spawn.NextSpawn) for spawn in spawns)
- return say
- #NpcEvent.add_listener(341,"OnClick",OnClick)