控件安装+编译视频教程 点击这里- function TMagicManager.MagBigExplosionAndMakePoisonEx(BaseObject:
- TBaseObject; UserMagic: pTUserMagic; nPower, nX, nY: Integer; nRage:
- Integer): Boolean;
- var
- i: Integer;
- BaseObjectList: TList;
- TargeTBaseObject: TBaseObject;
- PlayObject: TPlayObject;
- nPowerPoint: Integer;
- nTime: Integer;
- MakePoisonInfo: pTMakePoisonInfo;
- begin
- Result := False;
- nPowerPoint := Round(g_Config.nSkill71PowerRate / 100 * nPower);
- nTime := 3 * UserMagic.btLevel + Random(2 * UserMagic.btLevel);
- if BaseObject.m_btRaceServer <> RC_PLAYOBJECT then Exit;
- PlayObject := TPlayObject(BaseObject);
- BaseObjectList := TList.Create;
- BaseObject.GetMapBaseObjects(BaseObject.m_PEnvir, nX, nY, nRage, BaseObjectList);
- for i := 0 to BaseObjectList.Count - 1 do begin
- TargeTBaseObject := TBaseObject(BaseObjectList.Items);
- if BaseObject.IsProperTarget(TargeTBaseObject) then begin
- PlayObject.SendDelayMsg(PlayObject, RM_DELAYMAGIC, nPowerPoint, MakeLong(nX, nY), 3, Integer(TargeTBaseObject), '', 600);
- TargeTBaseObject.MagicQuest(PlayObject, UserMagic.wMagIdx, mfs_TagEx);
- if PlayObject.m_Abil.Level > TargeTBaseObject.m_Abil.Level then begin
- if TargeTBaseObject.m_btRaceServer = RC_PLAYOBJECT then begin
- if g_Config.boSkill71MbAttackHuman then begin
- New(MakePoisonInfo);
- MakePoisonInfo.BaseObject := PlayObject;
- MakePoisonInfo.nX := nX;
- MakePoisonInfo.nY := nY;
- MakePoisonInfo.nRate := 3;
- MakePoisonInfo.boFastParalysis := g_Config.boSkill71MbFastParalysis;
- TargeTBaseObject.SendDelayMsg(PlayObject, RM_MAKEPOISON,
- POISON_STONE {中毒类型 - 麻痹}, nTime, Integer(MakePoisonInfo), 0, '', 600);
- end;
- end else begin
- if (TargeTBaseObject.m_Master <> nil) and (TargeTBaseObject.m_Master.m_btRaceServer = RC_PLAYOBJECT) then begin
- if g_Config.boSkill71MbAttackSlave then begin
- New(MakePoisonInfo);
- MakePoisonInfo.BaseObject := PlayObject;
- MakePoisonInfo.nX := nX;
- MakePoisonInfo.nY := nY;
- MakePoisonInfo.nRate := 3;
- MakePoisonInfo.boFastParalysis := g_Config.boSkill71MbFastParalysis;
- TargeTBaseObject.SendDelayMsg(PlayObject, RM_MAKEPOISON,
- POISON_STONE {中毒类型 - 麻痹}, nTime, Integer(MakePoisonInfo), 0, '', 600);
- end;
- end else begin
- if g_Config.boSkill71MbAttackMon then begin
- New(MakePoisonInfo);
- MakePoisonInfo.BaseObject := PlayObject;
- MakePoisonInfo.nX := nX;
- MakePoisonInfo.nY := nY;
- MakePoisonInfo.nRate := 3;
- MakePoisonInfo.boFastParalysis := g_Config.boSkill71MbFastParalysis;
- TargeTBaseObject.SendDelayMsg(PlayObject, RM_MAKEPOISON,
- POISON_STONE {中毒类型 - 麻痹}, nTime, Integer(MakePoisonInfo), 0, '', 600);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- BaseObjectList.Free;
- end;
- function
- TMagicManager.MagBigExplosionAndMakePoison(BaseObject: TBaseObject;
- UserMagic: pTUserMagic; nPower, nX, nY: Integer; nRage: Integer):
- Boolean;
- var
- i: Integer;
- BaseObjectList: TList;
- TargeTBaseObject: TBaseObject;
- PlayObject: TPlayObject;
- nPowerPoint: Integer;
- nTime: Integer;
- MakePoisonInfo: pTMakePoisonInfo;
- begin
- Result := False;
- nPowerPoint := Round(g_Config.nSkill72PowerRate / 100 * nPower);
- nTime := 3 * UserMagic.btLevel + Random(2 * UserMagic.btLevel);
- if BaseObject.m_btRaceServer <> RC_PLAYOBJECT then Exit;
- PlayObject := TPlayObject(BaseObject);
- BaseObjectList := TList.Create;
- BaseObject.GetMapBaseObjects(BaseObject.m_PEnvir, nX, nY, nRage, BaseObjectList);
- for i := 0 to BaseObjectList.Count - 1 do begin
- TargeTBaseObject := TBaseObject(BaseObjectList.Items);
- if BaseObject.IsProperTarget(TargeTBaseObject) then begin
- PlayObject.SendDelayMsg(PlayObject, RM_DELAYMAGIC, nPowerPoint, MakeLong(nX, nY), 3, Integer(TargeTBaseObject), '', 1200);
- TargeTBaseObject.MagicQuest(PlayObject, UserMagic.wMagIdx, mfs_TagEx);
- if g_Config.boSkill72Damagearmor then begin
- nPowerPoint := GetPower13(30, UserMagic) + GetRPow(PlayObject.m_WAbil.SC) * 2;
- New(MakePoisonInfo);
- MakePoisonInfo.BaseObject := PlayObject;
- MakePoisonInfo.nX := nX;
- MakePoisonInfo.nY := nY;
- MakePoisonInfo.nRate := 3;
- TargeTBaseObject.SendDelayMsg(PlayObject, RM_MAKEPOISON,
- POISON_DAMAGEARMOR {中毒类型 - 红毒}, nPower, Integer(MakePoisonInfo),
- ROUND(UserMagic.btLevel / 3 * (nPower / g_Config.nAmyOunsulPoint)) {UserMagic.btLevel}, '', 1200);
- end;
- if g_Config.boSkill72DecHealth then begin
- nPowerPoint := GetPower13(40, UserMagic) + GetRPow(PlayObject.m_WAbil.SC) * 2;
- New(MakePoisonInfo);
- MakePoisonInfo.BaseObject := PlayObject;
- MakePoisonInfo.nX := nX;
- MakePoisonInfo.nY := nY;
- MakePoisonInfo.nRate := 3;
- TargeTBaseObject.SendDelayMsg(PlayObject, RM_MAKEPOISON, POISON_DECHEALTH {中毒类型 - 绿毒}, nPower, Integer(MakePoisonInfo),
- ROUND(UserMagic.btLevel / 3 * (nPower / g_Config.nAmyOunsulPoint)) {UserMagic.btLevel}, '', 1200);
- end;
- if PlayObject.m_Abil.Level > TargeTBaseObject.m_Abil.Level then begin
- if TargeTBaseObject.m_btRaceServer = RC_PLAYOBJECT then begin
- if g_Config.boSkill72MbAttackHuman then begin
- New(MakePoisonInfo);
- MakePoisonInfo.BaseObject := PlayObject;
- MakePoisonInfo.nX := nX;
- MakePoisonInfo.nY := nY;
- MakePoisonInfo.nRate := 3;
- MakePoisonInfo.boFastParalysis := g_Config.boSkill72MbFastParalysis;
- TargeTBaseObject.SendDelayMsg(PlayObject, RM_MAKEPOISON,
- POISON_STONE {中毒类型 - 麻痹}, nTime, Integer(MakePoisonInfo), 0, '', 1200);
- end;
- end else begin
- if (TargeTBaseObject.m_Master <> nil) and (TargeTBaseObject.m_Master.m_btRaceServer = RC_PLAYOBJECT) then begin
- if g_Config.boSkill72MbAttackSlave then begin
- New(MakePoisonInfo);
- MakePoisonInfo.BaseObject := PlayObject;
- MakePoisonInfo.nX := nX;
- MakePoisonInfo.nY := nY;
- MakePoisonInfo.nRate := 3;
- MakePoisonInfo.boFastParalysis := g_Config.boSkill72MbFastParalysis;
- TargeTBaseObject.SendDelayMsg(PlayObject, RM_MAKEPOISON,
- POISON_STONE {中毒类型 - 麻痹}, nTime, Integer(MakePoisonInfo), 0, '', 1200);
- end;
- end else begin
- if g_Config.boSkill72MbAttackMon then begin
- New(MakePoisonInfo);
- MakePoisonInfo.BaseObject := PlayObject;
- MakePoisonInfo.nX := nX;
- MakePoisonInfo.nY := nY;
- MakePoisonInfo.nRate := 3;
- MakePoisonInfo.boFastParalysis := g_Config.boSkill72MbFastParalysis;
- TargeTBaseObject.SendDelayMsg(PlayObject, RM_MAKEPOISON,
- POISON_STONE {中毒类型 - 麻痹}, nTime, Integer(MakePoisonInfo), 0, '', 1200);
- end;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- BaseObjectList.Free;
- end;
- function TMagicManager.MagBigExplosion(BaseObject: TBaseObject; nPower, nX,
- nY: Integer; nRage, nMagID: Integer): Boolean; //00492F4C
- var
- i: Integer;
- BaseObjectList: TList;
- TargeTBaseObject: TBaseObject;
- begin
- Result := False;
- BaseObjectList := TList.Create;
- BaseObject.GetMapBaseObjects(BaseObject.m_PEnvir, nX, nY, nRage, BaseObjectList);
- for i := 0 to BaseObjectList.Count - 1 do begin
- TargeTBaseObject := TBaseObject(BaseObjectList.Items);
- if BaseObject.IsProperTarget(TargeTBaseObject) then begin
- BaseObject.SetTargetCreat(TargeTBaseObject);
- TargeTBaseObject.SendMsg(BaseObject, RM_MAGSTRUCK, 0, nPower, 0, 0, '');
- TargeTBaseObject.MagicQuest(BaseObject, nMagID, mfs_TagEx);
- Result := True;
- end;
- end;
- BaseObjectList.Free;
- end;
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