战神引擎地图明文代码,直接复制保存到 mir2.scenes.main.map.map.lua
修改后加密覆盖到,或者热更新到 客户端Mir2.zip即可
- local current = ...
- local mapDef = import(".def")
- local maptile = import(".maptile")
- local role = import("..role.role")
- local hero = import("..role.hero")
- local npc = import("..role.npc")
- local mon = import("..role.mon")
- local roleInfo = import("..role.info")
- local stall = import("..role.stall")
- local magic = import("..common.magic")
- local settingLogic = import("..common.settingLogic")
- local map = class("map", function ()
- return ycMap:create()
- end)
- local __position = cc.Node.setPosition
- table.merge(map, {
- isStage = false
- })
- map.ctor = function (self, mapid)
- self.mapid = mapid
- self.replaceMapid = g_data.map.mapReplace[mapid]
- self.hasRes = def.map.isHasRes(self.mapid) or def.map.isHasRes(self.replaceMapid)
- self.player = nil
- self.gray = false
- self.mons = {}
- self.npcs = {}
- self.heros = {}
- self.items = {}
- self.doors = {}
- self.stalls = {}
- self.safezoneEffs = {}
- self.events = {}
- self.readyTiles = {}
- self.roleXYs = {}
- self.msgs = newList()
- self.file = res.loadmap(self.replaceMapid or self.mapid)
- print("=====================================\nself.file", self.file)
- self.h = self.file:geth()
- self.w = self.file:getw()
- self.layers = {
- bg = display.newNode():addto(self),
- mid = display.newNode():addto(self),
- obj = display.newNode():addto(self),
- itemName = display.newNode():addto(self),
- itemEff = display.newNode():addto(self),
- infoHpBg = display.newNode():addto(self),
- infoHpSpr = display.newNode():addto(self),
- infoHpOut = display.newNode():addto(self)
- }
- self.tiles = {}
- self.size(self, self.file:getw()*mapDef.tile.w, self.file:geth()*mapDef.tile.h)
- self.runForever(self, transition.sequence({
- cc.DelayTime:create(20),
- cc.CallFunc:create(handler(self, self.clearTiles))
- }))
- if not self.hasRes and main_scene and main_scene.ui then
- main_scene.ui:tip("该地图的环境正在施工中.")
- end
- self.relationHandler = handler(self, self.onRelationUpdate)
- g_data.relation:addNotifyListener(self.relationHandler)
- self.onCleanup = function ()
- g_data.relation:removeNotifyListener(self.relationHandler)
- return
- end
- self.blocks = {}
- self.updateMapScale(self)
- return
- end
- map.onRelationUpdate = function (self, _, rel, ole, new)
- if (rel == "attention" or rel == "attentionColor") and (ole or new) then
- local name = (ole and ole.get(ole, "name")) or new.get(new, "name")
- local role = nil
- for k, v in pairs(self.heros) do
- print(v.info:getName(), name)
- if v.info:getName() == name then
- role = v
- break
- end
- end
- if role then
- if new then
- role.info:setNameColor(new.get(new, "color"))
- elseif ole.realNameColor then
- role.info:setNameColor(ole.realNameColor)
- end
- end
- end
- return
- end
- map.updateMapScale = function (self, s)
- local scale = s or g_data.setting.display.mapScale
- self.screenw = math.ceil(display.width/mapDef.tile.w/scale)
- self.screenh = math.ceil(display.height/mapDef.tile.h/scale)
- return
- end
- map.setAllRoleInScreen = function (self, inScreen)
- for k, roles in pairs(self.roleXYs) do
- for k, v in pairs(roles) do
- if v.isInScreen ~= inScreen then
- v.isInScreen = inScreen
- v.uptIsIgnore(v)
- end
- end
- end
- return
- end
- map.updateRoleInScreen = function (self, x, y, endx, endy, inScreen)
- if endx < x then
- endx = x
- x = endx
- end
- if endy < y then
- endy = y
- y = endy
- end
- local uptIsIgnore = role.uptIsIgnore
- for mx = x, endx, 1 do
- mx = mx*10000
- for my = y + mx, endy + mx, 1 do
- local roles = self.roleXYs[my]
- if roles then
- for k, v in pairs(roles) do
- if v.isInScreen ~= inScreen then
- v.isInScreen = inScreen
- uptIsIgnore(v)
- else
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return
- end
- map.load = function (self, x, y, ofsx, ofsy)
- local function loadArea(beginx, beginy, endx, endy)
- beginx = math.max(0, math.min(self.w, beginx))
- endx = math.max(0, math.min(self.w, endx))
- beginy = math.max(0, math.min(self.h, beginy))
- endy = math.max(0, math.min(self.h, endy))
- for i = beginx, endx, 1 do
- for j = beginy, endy, 1 do
- self:addTile(i, j)
- end
- end
- return
- end
- local screenw = self.screenw
- local screenh = self.screenh
- local rangew = screenw + mapDef.loadOutsideArea*2
- local newx = x
- local newy = y
- local beginx, endx, beginy, endy = nil
- if ofsx and ofsy then
- newy = y + ofsy
- newx = x + ofsx
- if ofsx ~= 0 then
- local rbeginx, rendx, ey = nil
- if 0 < ofsx then
- beginx = math.floor(x + rangew/2)
- endx = beginx + ofsx
- rendx = math.floor(x - rangew/2) - 1
- rbeginx = rendx - ofsx - 1
- else
- endx = math.floor(x - rangew/2) - 1
- beginx = (endx + ofsx) - 1
- rbeginx = math.floor(x + rangew/2)
- rendx = rbeginx - ofsx
- end
- beginy = math.floor(y - screenh/2 - mapDef.loadOutsideArea) + ofsy
- ey = beginy + screenh
- endy = ey + mapDef.loadOutsideAreaBottom + mapDef.loadOutsideArea
- loadArea(beginx, beginy, endx, endy)
- if screenw <= 24 then
- self.updateRoleInScreen(self, rbeginx, beginy, rendx, ey, false)
- self.updateRoleInScreen(self, beginx, beginy, endx, ey, true)
- end
- end
- if ofsy ~= 0 then
- local rbeginy, rendy, by, ey = nil
- if 0 < ofsy then
- beginy = math.floor(y + screenh/2 + mapDef.loadOutsideAreaBottom)
- by = beginy - mapDef.loadOutsideAreaBottom
- endy = beginy + ofsy
- ey = endy
- rendy = math.floor(y - screenh/2)
- rbeginy = rendy - ofsy
- else
- endy = math.floor(y - screenh/2 - mapDef.loadOutsideArea)
- ey = endy + mapDef.loadOutsideArea
- beginy = endy + ofsy
- by = beginy
- rbeginy = math.floor(y + screenh/2)
- rendy = rbeginy - ofsy
- end
- beginx = math.floor(x - rangew/2 + ofsx)
- endx = beginx + rangew
- loadArea(beginx, beginy, endx, endy)
- if screenh <= 24 then
- self.updateRoleInScreen(self, beginx, rbeginy + 2, endx, rendy + 1, false)
- self.updateRoleInScreen(self, beginx, by, endx, ey, true)
- end
- end
- else
- endx = math.floor(x + rangew/2)
- beginx = math.floor(x - rangew/2)
- endy = math.floor(y + screenh/2 + mapDef.loadOutsideAreaBottom)
- beginy = math.floor(y - screenh/2 - mapDef.loadOutsideArea)
- loadArea(beginx, beginy, endx, endy)
- if 24 < screenh and 24 < screenw then
- self.setAllRoleInScreen(self, true)
- else
- self.setAllRoleInScreen(self, false)
- self.updateRoleInScreen(self, beginx, math.floor(y - screenh/2), endx, math.floor(y + screenh/2), true)
- end
- end
- local safezonexDatas = g_data.map:isSeeSafeZoneEdge(self.mapid, newx, newy, screenw, screenh)
- if safezonexDatas then
- for i, v in ipairs(safezonexDatas) do
- self.addSafeZoneEff(self, v.x, v.y, v.rang)
- end
- end
- return
- end
- map.updateLookArea = function (self, x, y)
- self.lookArea = cc.rect(x - display.cx/g_data.setting.display.mapScale, y - display.cy/g_data.setting.display.mapScale, display.width/g_data.setting.display.mapScale, display.height/g_data.setting.display.mapScale + 500)
- return
- end
- map.scroll = function (self, isAnima, dura)
- local tw = mapDef.tile.w
- local th = mapDef.tile.h
- local x, y = self.player.node:getPosition()
- if isAnima then
- self.moveTo(self, dura or 0.2, (-x + display.cx) - tw/2, (-y + display.cy) - th/2)
- else
- self.pos(self, (-x + display.cx) - tw/2, (-y + display.cy) - th/2)
- end
- self.updateLookArea(self, x, y)
- return
- end
- map.setGrayState = function (self)
- self.gray = true
- local f = res.getFilter("gray")
- for k, v in pairs(self.tiles) do
- for k2, v2 in pairs(v) do
- if v2.sprites.bg then
- v2.sprites.bg:setFilter(f)
- end
- if v2.sprites.mid then
- v2.sprites.mid:setFilter(f)
- end
- if v2.sprites.midAni then
- v2.sprites.midAni:setFilter(f)
- end
- if v2.sprites.obj then
- v2.sprites.obj:setFilter(f)
- end
- if v2.sprites.ani then
- v2.sprites.ani:setFilter(f)
- end
- end
- end
- for k, v in pairs(self.heros) do
- v.openFilter(v, "die")
- end
- for k, v in pairs(self.mons) do
- v.openFilter(v, "die")
- end
- for k, v in pairs(self.npcs) do
- v.openFilter(v, "die")
- end
- return
- end
- map.getMapPosWithScreenPos = function (self, x, y)
- local tw = mapDef.tile.w
- local th = mapDef.tile.h
- local diffx = x - display.cx
- local diffy = y - display.cy
- local node = self.player.node
- return node.getPositionX(node) + tw/2 + diffx/main_scene.ground:getScale(), node.getPositionY(node) + th/2 + diffy/main_scene.ground:getScale()
- end
- map.getMapPos = function (self, gameX, gameY)
- return gameX*mapDef.tile.w, (self.h - gameY)*mapDef.tile.h
- end
- map.getGamePos = function (self, x, y)
- return math.floor(x/mapDef.tile.w), math.floor(self.h - y/mapDef.tile.h + 1)
- end
- map.addDoorTile = function (self, data, x, y)
- local idx = ycFunction:band(data.doorIndex, 127)
- local door = self.doors[idx]
- if not door then
- door = {}
- self.doors[idx] = door
- end
- for k, v in pairs(door) do
- if v.x == x and v.y == y then
- return
- end
- end
- door[#door + 1] = {
- x = x,
- y = y,
- data = data
- }
- return
- end
- map.setDoorState = function (self, isOpen, x, y)
- local data = self.file:gettile(x, y)
- if data then
- local idx = ycFunction:band(data.doorIndex, 127)
- local door = self.doors[idx]
- if door then
- for k, v in pairs(door) do
- local tile = self.tiles[v.x][v.y]
- if tile then
- v.data.doorOpen = isOpen
- tile.setDoorState(tile, v.data)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return
- end
- map.addSafeZoneEff = function (self, x, y, range)
- local key = self.xy2key(self, x, y)
- if self.safezoneEffs[key] then
- return
- end
- self.safezoneEffs[key] = true
- local points = {
- {
- flag = 0,
- x = x - range,
- y = y - range - 1
- },
- {
- flag = 2,
- x = x + range,
- y = y - range - 1
- },
- {
- flag = 4,
- x = x + range,
- y = (y + range) - 1
- },
- {
- flag = 6,
- x = x - range,
- y = (y + range) - 1
- }
- }
- for i = 1, range*2 + 1, 1 do
- points[#points + 1] = {
- flag = 1,
- x = (x - range + i) - 1,
- y = y - range - 1
- }
- points[#points + 1] = {
- flag = 3,
- x = x + range,
- y = (y - range + i) - 2
- }
- points[#points + 1] = {
- flag = 5,
- x = (x - range + i) - 1,
- y = y + range + 1
- }
- points[#points + 1] = {
- flag = 7,
- x = x - range - 2,
- y = (y - range + i) - 2
- }
- end
- for i, v in ipairs(points) do
- local x = v.x
- local y = v.y
- if self.mapid ~= "0" or 319 > x or x > 337 or 261 > y or y > 276 or false then
- local spr = m2spr.playAnimation("magic10", v.flag*10 + 2040, 4, 0.2, true, nil, nil, nil, nil, 1):addto(self.layers.mid, 99999)
- __position(spr, x*mapDef.tile.w, (self.h - y)*mapDef.tile.h)
- end
- end
- return
- end
- map.canWalk = function (self, gamex, gamey, params)
- local ret = {}
- if params and params.useBlockInfo then
- if self.file:getblock(gamex, gamey) then
- ret.block = "block"
- end
- else
- local data = self.file:gettile(gamex, gamey)
- if data then
- if 0 < ycFunction:band(data.doorIndex, 128) and not data.doorOpen then
- ret.block = "door"
- ret.data = data
- elseif not data.canWalk then
- ret.block = "map"
- end
- end
- end
- if not ret.block then
- ret = self.isObjblock(self, gamex, gamey)
- end
- return ret
- end
- map.canFly = function (self, gamex, gamey, params)
- local data = self.file:gettile(gamex, gamey)
- return data.canFly
- end
- map.getObjeBlocks = function (self)
- local objects = {}
- local function checkRoles(roles)
- for k, v in pairs(roles) do
- if not v.isDummy and not v.die then
- objects[#objects + 1] = cc.p(v.x, v.y)
- end
- end
- return
- end
- checkRoles(self.mons)
- checkRoles(self.npcs)
- checkRoles(self.heros)
- for k, v in pairs(self.stalls) do
- if not v.isDummy and not g_data.map:isInSafeZone(self.mapid, v.x, v.y) then
- for i = 0, 2, 1 do
- for j = 0, 2, 1 do
- objects[#objects] = cc.p(v.x + i, v.y + j)
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return objects
- end
- map.isObjblock = function (self, gamex, gamey)
- local ret = {}
- if not ret.block then
- for k, v in pairs(self.mons) do
- if not v.isDummy and gamex == v.x and gamey == v.y and not v.die then
- ret.block = "mon"
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if not ret.block then
- for k, v in pairs(self.npcs) do
- if not v.isDummy and gamex == v.x and gamey == v.y and not v.die then
- ret.block = "npc"
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if not ret.block then
- for k, v in pairs(self.heros) do
- if not v.isDummy and gamex == v.x and gamey == v.y and not v.die then
- ret.block = "hero"
- break
- end
- end
- end
- if not ret.block then
- for k, v in pairs(self.stalls) do
- if not v.die and v.x <= gamex and gamex <= v.x + 2 and v.y <= gamey and gamey <= v.y + 2 then
- ret.block = "map"
- break
- end
- end
- end
- return ret
- end
- map.procAllRoles = function (self, f)
- for k, roles in ipairs({
- self.heros,
- self.npcs,
- self.mons
- }) do
- for k, v in pairs(roles) do
- f(v)
- end
- end
- return
- end
- map.findRole = function (self, roleid, params)
- local role = nil
- role = self.heros[roleid]
- if role then
- return role
- end
- role = self.npcs[roleid]
- if role then
- return role
- end
- role = self.mons[roleid]
- if role then
- return role
- end
- if params and params.feature then
- if type(params.feature) == "number" then
- params.feature = def.role.makeTFeature(params.feature)
- end
- return self.newRole(self, params), true
- end
- return
- end
- map.findRoelWithPos = function (self, x, y, type)
- if not type or type == "hero" then
- for k, v in pairs(self.heros) do
- if v.x == x and v.y == y then
- return v
- end
- end
- end
- if not type or type == "mon" then
- for k, v in pairs(self.mons) do
- if v.x == x and v.y == y then
- return v
- end
- end
- end
- if not type or type == "npc" then
- for k, v in pairs(self.npcs) do
- if v.x == x and v.y == y then
- return v
- end
- end
- end
- return
- end
- map.findHeroWithName = function (self, name)
- for k, v in pairs(self.heros) do
- if v.info:getName() == name then
- return v
- end
- end
- return
- end
- map.findNPCWithName = function (self, name)
- for k, v in pairs(self.npcs) do
- if v.info:getName() == name then
- return v
- end
- end
- return
- end
- map.findNearMon = function (self)
- local bestDis, bestMon = nil
- for k, v in pairs(self.mons) do
- local name = v.info:getName()
- if not v.die and not v.isPolice(v) then
- local x = math.abs(self.player.x - v.x)
- local y = math.abs(self.player.y - v.y)
- local dis = math.sqrt(x*x + y*y)
- if not bestDis or dis < bestDis then
- bestDis = dis
- bestMon = v
- end
- end
- end
- return bestMon
- end
- map.newRole = function (self, params)
- assert(params.roleid, "map.newRole -> roleid must be not nil")
- params.map = self
- local race = params.feature:get("race")
- local ret = nil
- if race == 0 or race == 1 or race == 150 then
- ret = hero.new(params)
- ret.node:addTo(self.layers.obj)
- self.heros[params.roleid] = ret
- if params.isPlayer then
- self.setPlayer(self, ret)
- end
- elseif race == 50 then
- ret = npc.new(params)
- ret.node:addTo(self.layers.obj)
- self.npcs[params.roleid] = ret
- else
- ret = mon.new(params)
- ret.node:addTo(self.layers.obj)
- self.mons[params.roleid] = ret
- end
- if main_scene and main_scene.ui.panels.minimap then
- main_scene.ui.panels.minimap:addPoint(ret)
- end
- self.uptRoleXY(self, ret, false, params.x, params.y)
- return ret
- end
- map.removeRole = function (self, roleid)
- local role = nil
- role = self.heros[roleid]
- if role then
- self.uptRoleXY(self, role, true)
- role.info:remove()
- role.node:removeSelf()
- end
- self.heros[roleid] = nil
- role = self.npcs[roleid]
- if role then
- self.uptRoleXY(self, role, true)
- role.info:remove()
- role.node:removeSelf()
- end
- self.npcs[roleid] = nil
- role = self.mons[roleid]
- if role then
- self.uptRoleXY(self, role, true)
- role.info:remove()
- role.node:removeSelf()
- end
- self.mons[roleid] = nil
- if main_scene and main_scene.ui.panels.minimap then
- main_scene.ui.panels.minimap:removePoint(roleid)
- end
- return
- end
- map.setPlayer = function (self, player)
- if self.player then
- self.removeTopRenderNode(self, self.player)
- self.player.node:removeSelf()
- end
- self.player = player
- self.addTopRenderNode(self, self.player.node)
- return
- end
- map.xy2key = function (self, x, y)
- return x*10000 + y
- end
- map.uptRoleXY = function (self, role, isRemove, x, y)
- local oldKey = role.xyKey
- local newKey = x and y and self.xy2key(self, x, y)
- if oldKey == newKey then
- return
- end
- if oldKey then
- local roles = self.roleXYs[oldKey]
- if roles then
- for i, v in ipairs(roles) do
- if v == role then
- table.remove(roles, i)
- break
- end
- end
- end
- end
- if isRemove then
- return
- end
- local roles = self.roleXYs[newKey]
- if not roles then
- roles = {}
- self.roleXYs[newKey] = roles
- end
- roles[#roles + 1] = role
- if self.player and not self.isStage then
- role.isInScreen = math.abs(x - self.player.x + 1) <= self.screenw/2 + 1 and math.abs(y - self.player.y) < self.screenh/2 + 2
- else
- role.isInScreen = true
- end
- for i, v in ipairs(roles) do
- v.uptIsIgnore(v)
- end
- role.uptIsIgnore(role)
- role.xyKey = newKey
- return
- end
- map.showItem = function (self, isshow, itemid, gamex, gamey, name, imgid, owner, state)
- if isshow ~= self.items[itemid] ~= nil then
- if isshow then
- local x, y = self.getMapPos(self, gamex, gamey)
- local item = {
- x = gamex,
- y = gamey,
- owner = owner,
- imgid = imgid,
- itemid = itemid,
- spr = m2spr.new("dnitems", imgid, {
- asyncPriority = 1
- }):addto(self.layers.obj, gamey):pos(x + mapDef.tile.w/2, y + mapDef.tile.h/2):runs({
- cc.DelayTime:create(math.random(3000)/1000),
- cc.RepeatForever:create(transition.sequence({
- cc.CallFunc:create(function ()
- local spr = m2spr.playAnimation("prguse", 410, 9, 0.08, true, true, true, nil, nil, 1):addto(self.layers.itemEff)
- __position(spr, x, y + mapDef.tile.h)
- return
- end),
- cc.DelayTime:create(0.54),
- cc.DelayTime:create(5)
- }))
- })
- }
- local isGood = false
- local showName = false
- if state and 0 < state then
- isGood = g_data.setting.getGoodAttItemSetting().isGood
- showName = g_data.setting.getGoodAttItemSetting().hintName
- end
- isGood = isGood or settingLogic.isGoodItem(name)
- showName = showName or settingLogic.showItemName(name)
- if showName or isGood then
- local nameColor = def.colors.skyBlue
- if isGood then
- nameColor = def.colors.clRed
- end
- if state and 0 < state then
- nameColor = def.colors.clpurple
- end
- item.state = state
- item.name = an.newLabel(name, 12, 1, {
- bufferChannel = 8,
- color = nameColor
- }):addto(self.layers.itemName)
- __position(item.name, x, y + 20)
- end
- self.items[itemid] = item
- item.itemName = name
- return
- end
- local item = self.items[itemid]
- item.spr:removeSelf()
- if item.name then
- item.name:removeSelf()
- end
- self.items[itemid] = nil
- end
- end
- map.updateItems = function (self)
- local t = self.items
- self.items = {}
- for k, v in pairs(t) do
- v.spr:removeSelf()
- if v.name then
- v.name:removeSelf()
- end
- self.showItem(self, true, k, v.x, v.y, v.itemName, v.imgid, v.owner, v.state)
- end
- return
- end
- map.getItems = function (self, x, y)
- local ret = {}
- for k, v in pairs(self.items) do
- if v.x == x and v.y == y then
- ret[#ret + 1] = v
- end
- end
- return ret
- end
- map.showMagic = function (self, roleid, effectType, effectID, x, y, target)
- local role = self.findRole(self, roleid)
- if not role then
- return
- end
- magic.showMagic(self, role, target, x, y, effectID)
- return
- end
- map.showEffectForName = function (self, name, params)
- magic.showWithName(self, name, params)
- return
- end
- local __position = cc.Node.setPosition
- map.showEvent = function (self, serverID, x, y, type, eventMsg)
- self.hideEvent(self, serverID)
- if mapDef.ET_FIRE == type then
- local imgid = "magic"
- local begin = 1630
- local frame = 6
- x, y = self.getMapPos(self, x, y)
- self.events[serverID] = m2spr.playAnimation(imgid, begin, frame, 0.08, true):opacity(76.5):addto(self.layers.obj, y + mapDef.tile.h)
- elseif mapDef.ET_HOLYCURTAIN == type then
- local imgid = "magic"
- local begin = 1390
- local frame = 10
- x, y = self.getMapPos(self, x, y)
- self.events[serverID] = m2spr.playAnimation(imgid, begin, frame, 0.08, true):addto(self.layers.obj, y + mapDef.tile.h)
- elseif mapDef.ET_PILESTONES == type then
- local imgid = "effect"
- local begin = 64
- local frame = 5
- x, y = self.getMapPos(self, x, y)
- self.events[serverID] = m2spr.playAnimation(imgid, begin, frame, 0.12, false, false, true):addto(self.layers.mid, 99999)
- elseif mapDef.ET_DIGOUTZOMBI == type then
- local imgid = "mon6"
- local begin = 420
- local frame = 6
- x, y = self.getMapPos(self, x, y)
- self.events[serverID] = m2spr.playAnimation(imgid, begin, frame, 0.3, false, false, true):addto(self.layers.mid, 99999)
- elseif mapDef.ET_YanHuaTextEvent == type then
- x, y = self.getMapPos(self, x, y)
- x = x - 130
- self.events[serverID] = an.newLabel(eventMsg.get(eventMsg, "desc"), 100, 0.5, {
- color = cc.c3b(255, 255, 0),
- sc = display.COLOR_WHITE
- }):addto(self.layers.obj, 99999)
- elseif mapDef.ET_CAKEFIRE == type then
- local imgid = "prguse3"
- local begin = mapDef.CAKEFIREBASE
- local frame = 30
- x, y = self.getMapPos(self, x, y)
- self.events[serverID] = m2spr.playAnimation(imgid, begin, frame, 0.08, true):addto(self.layers.obj, y + mapDef.tile.h)
- elseif mapDef.ET_INTENTLY <= type and type <= mapDef.ET_SUCHASFOGDREAM then
- local frameBegin = {
- 20,
- 20,
- 16,
- 16,
- 16,
- 16,
- 16
- }
- local imgid = "magic3"
- local begin = (type - mapDef.ET_INTENTLY)*20 + 60
- local frame = frameBegin[type - mapDef.ET_INTENTLY + 1]
- x, y = self.getMapPos(self, x, y)
- m2spr.playAnimation(imgid, begin, frame, 0.12, true, true, true):addto(self.layers.mid, 99999)
- elseif mapDef.ET_STALL_EVENT == type then
- x, y = self.getMapPos(self, x, y)
- self.events[serverID] = stall.new({
- x = x,
- y = y,
- serverID = serverID,
- map = self,
- data = eventMsg
- }):addto(self.layers.obj, 99999)
- self.stalls[serverID] = self.events[serverID]
- end
- if self.events[serverID] then
- self.events[serverID]:pos(x, y + mapDef.tile.h)
- end
- return
- end
- map.hideEvent = function (self, serverID)
- if self.events[serverID] then
- self.events[serverID]:removeSelf()
- self.events[serverID] = nil
- end
- return
- end
- map.removeStall = function (self, serverID)
- if self.stalls[serverID] then
- self.stalls[serverID] = nil
- end
- return
- end
- map.getHeroNameList = function (self)
- local ret = {}
- for k, v in pairs(self.heros) do
- if not v.isPlayer and v.info:getName() and not v.info:isHero() and not v.isDummy then
- ret[#ret + 1] = v.info:getName()
- end
- end
- return ret
- end
- map.addTile = function (self, x, y)
- self.readyTiles[self.xy2key(self, x, y)] = {
- x,
- y
- }
- return
- end
- map.processTile = function (self, x, y)
- if not self.tiles[x] then
- self.tiles[x] = {}
- end
- if not self.tiles[x][y] then
- self.tiles[x][y] = maptile.new(self, x, y)
- return true
- end
- return
- end
- map.processTiles = function (self, dt)
- local cnt = 0
- for k, v in pairs(self.readyTiles) do
- self.readyTiles[k] = nil
- if self.processTile(self, v[1], v[2]) then
- cnt = cnt + 1
- if mapDef.loadNum < cnt then
- return
- end
- end
- end
- if self.gray then
- self.setGrayState(self)
- end
- return
- end
- map.clearTiles = function (self)
- local x = self.player.x
- local y = self.player.y
- local dis = math.floor(display.width/mapDef.tile.w) + mapDef.loadOutsideAreaBottom*2
- for k, v in pairs(self.tiles) do
- for k2, v2 in pairs(v) do
- if dis < math.abs(x - k) or dis < math.abs(y - k2) then
- v2.remove(v2)
- self.tiles[k][k2] = nil
- end
- end
- end
- for k, v in pairs(self.readyTiles) do
- if dis < math.abs(x - v[1]) or dis < math.abs(y - v[2]) then
- self.readyTiles[k] = nil
- end
- end
- return
- end
- map.addMsg = function (self, params)
- if params.remove then
- local tmpList = newList()
- while not self.msgs.isEmpty() do
- local msg = self.msgs.popFront()
- if msg.roleid ~= params.roleid then
- tmpList.pushBack(msg)
- end
- end
- self.msgs = tmpList
- self.removeRole(self, params.roleid)
- return
- end
- self.msgs.pushBack(params)
- return
- end
- map.processMsg = function (self, v)
- if v.roleid then
- local role, isNewCreate = self.findRole(self, v.roleid, v)
- if role then
- if v.ident then
- role.processMsg(role, v.ident, v.x, v.y, v.dir, v.feature, v.state, v.roleParams)
- end
- if v.job then
- role.job = v.job
- end
- if v.name then
- local race = role.getRace(role)
- if race ~= 98 and (race ~= 153 or false) then
- role.info:setName(v.name)
- end
- end
- while true do
- if role.__cname == "hero" then
- local pName = role.info:getName()
- local attData = g_data.relation:getAttention(pName)
- if attData then
- local colorIdx = attData.get(attData, "color")
- role.info:setNameColor(colorIdx)
- if v.nameColor then
- attData.realNameColor = v.nameColor
- end
- break
- end
- end
- if v.nameColor then
- role.info:setNameColor(v.nameColor)
- end
- break
- end
- if v.hp and v.maxhp then
- role.info:setHP(v.hp, v.maxhp, v.outhp)
- end
- if isNewCreate and v.roleid == g_data.hero.roleid then
- self.player.hero = role
- end
- end
- end
- if v.magic then
- self.showMagic(self, unpack(v.magic))
- end
- if v.effect then
- self.showEffectForName(self, v.effect[1], v.effect[2])
- end
- return
- end
- map.processMsgs = function (self, dt)
- local begin = socket.gettime()
- while not self.msgs.isEmpty() do
- self.processMsg(self, self.msgs.popFront())
- if 0.01 < socket.gettime() - begin then
- break
- end
- end
- return
- end
- map.update = function (self, dt)
- self.processTiles(self, dt)
- self.processMsgs(self, dt)
- local roleSize = def.role.size
- local infoUpdate = roleInfo.update
- local roleUpdate = role.update
- local uptIsIgnore = role.uptIsIgnore
- local getPosition = role.getPosition
- local rnum = 0
- for k, roles in ipairs({
- self.heros,
- self.npcs,
- self.mons
- }) do
- for k, v in pairs(roles) do
- if 0 < #v.acts or v.isPlayer then
- rnum = rnum + 1
- roleUpdate(v, dt)
- end
- if v.info.dirty then
- infoUpdate(v.info, dt)
- end
- end
- end
- self.current_frame_updatedRoles = rnum
- return
- end
- map.checkFlyTo = function (self, from, to)
- local i, adist, dist, dir = nil
- local x = from.x
- local y = from.y
- local tx = to.x
- local ty = to.y
- adist = math.abs(x - tx) + math.abs(y - ty)
- for i = 0, 8, 1 do
- dir = self.getNextDirection(self, x, y, tx, ty)
- local ok = nil
- x, y, ok = self.getNextPosition(self, x, y, dir, 1)
- if not ok or not self.canFly(self, x, y) then
- return false
- end
- if x == tx and y == ty then
- return true
- else
- dist = math.abs(x - tx) + math.abs(y - ty)
- if adist < dist then
- return true
- end
- end
- end
- return true
- end
- map.getNextDirection = function (self, x, y, tx, ty)
- local fx, fy = nil
- if x < tx then
- fx = 1
- elseif x == tx then
- fx = 0
- else
- fx = -1
- end
- if 2 < math.abs(y - ty) and tx - 1 <= x and x <= tx + 1 then
- fx = 0
- end
- if y < ty then
- fy = 1
- elseif y == ty then
- fy = 0
- else
- fy = -1
- end
- if 2 < math.abs(x - tx) and ty - 1 < y and y < ty + 1 then
- fy = 0
- end
- if fx == 0 and fy == -1 then
- return def.role.dir.up
- elseif fx == 1 and fy == -1 then
- return def.role.dir.rightUp
- elseif fx == 1 and fy == 0 then
- return def.role.dir.right
- elseif fx == 1 and fy == 1 then
- return def.role.dir.rightBottom
- elseif fx == 0 and fy == 1 then
- return def.role.dir.bottom
- elseif fx == -1 and fy == 1 then
- return def.role.dir.leftBottom
- elseif fx == -1 and fy == 0 then
- return def.role.dir.left
- elseif fx == -1 and fy == -1 then
- return def.role.dir.leftUp
- else
- return def.role.dir.up
- end
- return
- end
- map.getNextPosition = function (self, nx, ny, dir, step)
- local x = nx
- local y = ny
- if dir == def.role.dir.up then
- if step - 1 < y then
- y = y - step
- end
- elseif dir == def.role.dir.rightUp then
- if step - 1 < x and y < self.h - step then
- x = x + step
- y = y - step
- end
- elseif dir == def.role.dir.right then
- if x < self.w - step then
- x = x + step
- end
- elseif dir == def.role.dir.rightBottom then
- if x < self.w - step and y < self.h - step then
- x = x + step
- y = y + step
- end
- elseif dir == def.role.dir.bottom then
- if y < self.h - step then
- y = y + step
- end
- elseif dir == def.role.dir.leftBottom then
- if x < self.w - step and step - 1 < y then
- x = x - step
- y = y + step
- end
- elseif dir == def.role.dir.left then
- if step - 1 < x then
- x = x - step
- end
- elseif dir == def.role.dir.leftUp and step - 1 < x and step - 1 < y then
- x = x - step
- y = y - step
- end
- return x, y, x ~= nx or y ~= ny
- end
- return map