- constructor TExistFile.Create();
- begin
- FreeOnTerminate := True; // 自动删除
- inherited Create(False); // 直接运行
- end;
- procedure TExistFile.Execute;
- begin
- try
- if not DirectoryExists(FullPath + 'Update\') then ForceDirectories(FullPath + 'Update\');
- if not DirectoryExists(FullPath + 'Config\') then ForceDirectories(FullPath + 'Config\');
- //检测并生成WINRAR解压缩组件
- if not FileExists(FullPath + 'LyyConfig\UnzLib.dll') then ExtractRes('exefile', UnRARDLLRes, PChar(FullPath + 'Config\UnzLib.dll'));
- ExtractRes('exefile', 'Data_RES1', PChar(FullPath + 'Weapon.ord'));
- ExtractRes('exefile', 'Data_RES2', PChar(FullPath + 'BgmList.wwl'));
- ExtractRes('exefile', 'Data_RES3', PChar(FullPath + 'CmList.dat'));
- ExtractRes('exefile', 'Data_RES4', PChar(FullPath + 'Magic.exp'));
- ExtractRes('exefile', 'Data_RES5', PChar(FullPath + 'Map.Mif'));
- ExtractRes('exefile', 'Data_RES6', PChar(FullPath + 'MExplain.exp'));
- ExtractRes('exefile', 'Data_RES7', PChar(FullPath + 'MInfo.dat'));
- ExtractRes('exefile', 'Data_RES8', PChar(FullPath + 'SoundList.wwl'));
- DelFile(mir3path); //删除mir3.exe
- //if not DirectoryExists(DLLPath) then ForceDirectories(DLLPath);
- // if not FileExists(DLLPath + 'mir3.dll') then ExtractRes('exefile', DbtDllRes, PChar(DLLPath + 'mir3.dll'));
- DelFile(FullPath + 'MyMir3.dll');
- ExtractRes('exefile', 'Mir3_RESO', PChar(FullPath + 'MyMir3.dll'));
- DelFile(FullPath + 'KingMir3.dll');
- ExtractRes('exefile', 'Mir3_RESP', PChar(FullPath + 'KingMir3.dll'));
- // DelFile(FullPath + 'LyyMir3.dll');
- // ExtractRes('exefile', 'Mir3_RESQ', PChar(FullPath + 'LyyMir3.dll'));
- DelFile(FullPath + 'ClentEx.dll');
- ExtractRes('exefile', 'Mir3_RESH', PChar(FullPath + 'ClentEx.dll'));
- //删除多余文件,加速游戏
- DelFile(FullPath + 'Data\CreateChr.dat');
- DelFile(FullPath + 'Data\StartGame.dat');
- DelFile(FullPath + 'Data\wemade.dat');
- except
- end;
- end;
- constructor TUpIP.Create(const DownUrl: string);
- begin
- Str := DownUrl;
- FreeOnTerminate := True; // 自动删除
- inherited Create(False); // 直接运行
- end;
- procedure TUpIP.ReStartLogin;
- begin
- Form1.suiMessageDialog1.Caption := '需要重启登录器';
- Form1.suiMessageDialog1.Text := '登录器配置文件升级成功,必须重新启动登录器后才生效,不重启可能无法正常游戏,是否现在就重新启动登录器!?';
- if Form1.suiMessageDialog1.ShowModal = mrok then
- begin
- _bReStartLogin := True;
- Form1.Close;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TUpIP.ShowLoginUPForm;
- begin
- Form1.TrayIcon1.MinimizeApp;
- Form1.Timer1.Enabled := True;
- end;
- procedure TUpIP.ShowForm;
- begin
- if _bEnableCue then
- begin
- Form1.suiMessageDialog1.Caption := '自动更新';
- Form1.suiMessageDialog1.Text := '检测到你的客户端有文件需要更新,是否现在更新(不更新可能影响正常游戏)!?';
- if Form1.suiMessageDialog1.ShowModal = mrok then
- begin
- Form_Update.ShowModal;
- end;
- end
- else
- begin
- Form_Update.ShowModal;
- end;
- end;
- function TUpIP.Get(URL: string): boolean; //获得更新信息
- var
- sDownUrl : string;
- IdHTTP : TIDHttp;
- FileStr : TStringList;
- ChkStr : string;
- begin
- try
- sDownUrl := URL;
- //if copy(sDownUrl, Length(sDownUrl), 1) <> '/' then sDownUrl := sDownUrl + '/';
- FileStr := TStringList.Create;
- IdHTTP := TIDHttp.Create(nil);
- try
- Result := False;
- IdHTTP.HandleRedirects := True; //必须支持重定向否则可能出错
- IdHTTP.ReadTimeout := 30000; //超过这个时间则不再访问
- FileStr.Add(IdHTTP.Get(sDownUrl));
- //判断是否正确的格式
- ChkStr := FileStr.Strings[0];
- if Q_PosStr(';;;;;LYY Mir3Login Update File;;;;;', ChkStr) > 0 then
- begin
- DelFile(sUpInfoini);
- FileStr.SaveToFile(sUpInfoini); //保存本地升级信息文件
- Result := True;
- end
- else
- begin
- Result := False;
- end;
- finally
- FreeAndNil(IdHTTP);
- FreeAndNil(FileStr);
- end;
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- function TUpIP.CheckFixFile: boolean;
- var
- NFile : string;
- PUDL : PTUpdateList;
- SelfPath : string;
- SelFileTime : TDateTime;
- begin
- SelfPath := FullPath;
- SelfPath := Copy(SelfPath, 1, Length(SelfPath) - 1);
- while (True) do
- begin
- if UPList.Count = 0 then break;
- PUDL := UPList.Items[0];
- NFile := SelfPath + PUDL^.FilePath + PUDL^.ToFile;
- if not FileExists(NFile) then //文件不存在
- begin
- //MessageBox(0, PChar(NFile), '文件不存在', MB_OK + MB_ICONSTOP);
- Result := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- SelFileTime := GetFileDateTime(NFile, fttLastWrite);
- if SecondsBetween(SelFileTime, PUDL^.FileDateTime) > 30 then
- begin
- //MessageBox(0, PChar(NFile), '文件日期不正确', MB_OK + MB_ICONSTOP);
- Result := True;
- Exit;
- end;
- Dispose(PTUpdateList(UPList.Items[0]));
- UPList.Delete(0);
- end;
- Result := False;
- end;
- function TUpIP.CheckUpdateInfo: boolean;
- var
- Ini : TFastIniFile;
- begin
- try
- Ini := TFastIniFile.Create(sUpInfoini);
- try
- try
- _bCheckLong := Ini.ReadBoolean('UpdateInfo', 'CheckLong', False);
- _sLongURL := Ini.ReadString('UpdateInfo', 'LongURL', '');
- _sLongCode := Ini.ReadString('UpdateInfo', 'LongCode', '');
- _bCheckIni := Ini.ReadBoolean('UpdateInfo', 'CheckIni', False);
- _sIniURL := Ini.ReadString('UpdateInfo', 'IniURL', '');
- _sIniCode := Ini.ReadString('UpdateInfo', 'IniCode', '');
- _bCheckFix := Ini.ReadBoolean('UpdateInfo', 'CheckFix', False);
- _sDefUrl := Ini.ReadString('UpdateInfo', 'DefURL', '');
- _bEnableCue := Ini.ReadBoolean('UpdateInfo', 'EnableCue', False);
- _sDllURL := Ini.ReadString('UpdateInfo', 'DLLURL', '');
- _sDllCode := Ini.ReadString('UpdateInfo', 'DLLCode', '');
- if _bCheckLong then _bCheckLong := (_sLongURL <> '') and (_sLongCode <> '');
- if _bCheckIni then _bCheckIni := (_sIniURL <> '') and (_sIniCode <> '');
- if _bCheckFix then _bCheckFix := _sDefUrl <> '';
- Result := _bCheckLong or _bCheckIni or _bCheckFix;
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- finally
- FreeAndNil(Ini);
- end;
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- function TUpIP.AddList: boolean;
- var
- Ini : TFastIniFile;
- SectionStringList : TStringList;
- i : Integer;
- SectionName : string;
- PUDL : PTUpdateList;
- sFromFile, sFilePath, sFileDateTime: string;
- FileDateTime : TDateTime;
- begin
- try
- Ini := TFastIniFile.Create(sUpInfoini);
- SectionStringList := TStringList.Create;
- try
- try
- Ini.ReadSections(SectionStringList);
- for i := 0 to SectionStringList.Count - 1 do
- begin
- SectionName := SectionStringList.Strings<i>;
- if Q_UpperCase(SectionName) <> Q_UpperCase('UpdateInfo') then
- begin
- try
- sFromFile := Ini.ReadString(SectionName, 'FromFile', '');
- sFilePath := Ini.ReadString(SectionName, 'FilePath', '');
- sFileDateTime := Ini.ReadString(SectionName, 'FileDateTime', '');
- if (sFromFile <> '') and (sFilePath <> '') and (sFileDateTime <> '') then
- begin
- FileDateTime := StrToDateTime(sFileDateTime);
- New(PUDL);
- PUDL^.FromFile := sFromFile;
- PUDL^.ToFile := SectionName;
- PUDL^.FilePath := sFilePath;
- PUDL^.FileDateTime := FileDateTime;
- UPList.Add(PUDL);
- end;
- except
- continue;
- end;
- end;
- end;
- //MessageBox(0, PChar(IntToStr(UPList.Count)), '', MB_OK + MB_ICONSTOP);
- Result := UPList.Count > 0;
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- finally
- FreeAndNil(Ini);
- FreeAndNil(SectionStringList);
- end;
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TUpIP.GetIniCrcError;
- begin
- //MessShow(3, '由于更新中的登录器配置文件校验失败,登录器配置无法更新到最新状态,你可以继续游戏,但是可能不正常,请联系管理员解决!');
- Form1.suiMSNPopForm1.Title := '登录器配置文件更新失败';
- Form1.suiMSNPopForm1.MessageText := '登录器配置文件更新时校验失败,登录器配置无法更新到最新状态,这可能会影响你正常游戏,请联系管理员解决.';
- Form1.suiMSNPopForm1.Popup;
- end;
- function TUpIP.GetIni: boolean; //下载
- var
- IdHTTP : TIDHttp;
- TempFile : string;
- Error32 : WORD;
- TempCrc : DWORD;
- TStream : TMemoryStream;
- begin
- try
- TempFile := FullPath + 'update\' + ExtractFileName(sUpIPini);
- DelFile(TempFile);
- TStream := TMemoryStream.Create;
- IdHTTP := TIDHttp.Create(nil);
- try
- IdHTTP.HandleRedirects := True; //必须支持重定向否则可能出错
- IdHTTP.ReadTimeout := 30000; //超过这个时间则不再访问
- IdHTTP.Get(_sIniURL, TStream);
- TStream.SaveToFile(TempFile);
- finally
- FreeAndNil(IdHTTP);
- FreeAndNil(TStream);
- end;
- //检测CRC
- Hex3Kol(TempFile, TempCrc, Error32);
- if (Error32 <> 0) or (Q_IntToStr(TempCrc) <> _sIniCode) then //校验失败
- begin
- Synchronize(GetIniCrcError);
- Result := False;
- end
- else
- begin
- DelFile(sUpIPini); //删除目标文件
- CopyFile(PChar(TempFile), PChar(sUpIPini), False); //复制文件到目标
- DelFile(TempFile); //删除update目录中的临时文件
- Result := True;
- end;
- except
- Result := False;
- end;
- end;
- procedure TUpIP.Execute;
- begin
- if Get(Str) then
- begin
- //检测三选项以及读取选项内容
- if FileExists(sUpInfoini) and CheckUpdateInfo then
- begin
- //是否更新配置文件
- if _bCheckIni and (IniCrc <> 0) and (_sIniCode <> Q_IntToStr(IniCrc)) then
- begin
- if GetIni then //更新成功,提示重启登录器
- begin
- Synchronize(ReStartLogin);
- Exit;
- end;
- end;</i>